Snark | Lost Waves


Redeemed by Tyler Drakenfang
A small creature, vaguely resembling a snake with stubby wings that allows it to glide shorter distances.

Basic Information


The wings along a snark's body can extend to a wingspan of roughly three quarters the length of the creature. These can't flap but are rather gliders.

Biological Traits

Snarks don't have much in terms of defensive capabilities. They might die from shock if something too scary happens, and if attacked and can't get away, they will play dead rather than fight. This, combined with the risk of them dying if not in their natural surroundings and with their school of other snarks, means they aren't viable as pets.

Genetics and Reproduction

A snark matures enough to mate after three years. The female will eat small pieces of gravel which forms part of the shells of the eggs she lays. This ensures that they look exactly like regular pebbles in the surroundings.   A clutch of eggs is around 30, but only a third will have any chance of hatching due to predators and other dangers.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The main part of the snark diet is fish that it hunts in lakes around its habitat, including underground lakes. Its small wings can be used for some navigation in water, which is enough once the school of snarks coordinate an attack on a group of fish.   The species aren't exclusively carnivores, but also supplement their diets with various herbs.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Snarks live in schools of up to 50 individuals that do everything together. This grouping is essential to the species and its survival, and they would only rarely interact with anyone outside their own family.   If they are disturbed by changes in their environment, the entire school is likely to move on and try to find a new home rather than learn to cohabit with others.

Facial characteristics

Their triangular heads have a bioluminescent snout that aids them in finding food. They also attract fish in this way.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Snarks are native to mountainous regions as they make their home in caves.

Average Intelligence

While individuals aren't all that clever, a school of them is very coordinated and able to pull off manoeuvres that none of them would be able to think of themselves. This is one reason they handle being alone very poorly and will de depressed if taken away from the rest of the school.
5 years
Average Length
30 cm
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Snarks are in shades of brown and reds, sometimes even pale pink. The colours are usually muted and can be hard to distinguish as the creatures are typically seen during the night or in their dark caves.


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