World under revision! This world was originally written purely as a Dugeons and Dragons® setting. It is (slowly) being rewritten to be system agnostic When things don't seem to work togewther, this is likely why.


This is the official language of the Sh'areen Calipahte. Several different but closely related languages used to be spoken in the region, but as the Caliphate took over, so did its language.

Writing System

The Sha'ree alphabet is an abjad - that is, vowels are added to the consonant symbols to create syllable characters. It is written left-to-right, top-to-bottom. The exception is if something is within a a cartouche (box with half-circle endings), in which case the contents is mirrored.  

Shareen alphabet

Geographical Distribution

The language originates in the Sa'ar Desert, but has spread from there along with ethnic migration. Also, the cultural exchange has shifted it somewhat closer to the more common amalgam of language that is somewhat intelligible between at least larger meeting places in the world.


Syllables are normally vowels or consonant-vowel clusters. Consonant clusters longer than two are rare. Normally, nouns, verbs, and adjectives consist of at least two sounds and are often longer due to grammar, as affixes do a lot of heavy lifting.   Some phonetic changes happen when words are formed:
  • ð becomes θ at the beginning of a word.
  • ðθ becomes ʤ.
  • θð, dð, and ðd all become d.
  • ʤθ becomes ɛθ.
  • ʧθ > tʃ
  • Consonants that are stops become ɛ if before ʃ at the beginning of a word.
  • ə becomes ɛ after i, m, j, p, n, s, t, b, d, f, ʧ, ʃ, z, ʤ, v, ʒ, ð, or θ. It disappears and makes an ɛ before it longer instead.
  • ɪ becomes ə after a front vowel.
  • j becomes ʤ after a vowel if followed by i.
  • ts becomes ʧ when between vowels.
  • Alveolar consonants become voiceless before voiced consonants.
  • ʤg becomes j.
  • ʊi becomes ɪ before a syllable boundary.
  • ŋ becomes n at the beginning of a word.
  • hχ and χh both become χ.
  • bʤ becomes bj.
  • j becomes i after a front vowel.
  • h becomes aspirated at the beginning of a word.
  • ɛi, iɛ, and aɛ form their respective diphthongs ɛi̯, iɛ̯, and aɛ̯.
  • What would be two or more of the same vowel in a row becomes a longer version of that vowel.
  • The same consonant can't appear twice in a row. The exceptions are s and z which can be extended into a longer sound.
  • The following clusters can't exist:
    • The clusters kv, ʃχ, χʃ, ʃh, hʃ, zʤ, sz, and pb.
    • Any consonant followed by ŋ
    • q preceded or followed by another consonant.
    • ʤ followed by another consonant.
    • ʤ preceded by any stop consonant.
    • kb preceded by a consonant.
    • sg preceded by a consonant.
  • bl, pt, kb, sand g can't exist at the beginning of a word.
  • bl and kb can't exist at the end of a word.


Sha'ree is a Subject-Verb-object language in almost any clause, but older forms of the language can shift to Subject-Object-Verb in the case of questions or conditional clauses. Adjectives normally go before the noun and adverbs before the verb, but the order between them can vary.



There are three sociological genders and this is reflected in the language. Pronouns aren't gendered and other grammar only rarely contain vestigial remains of three grammatical genders. However, when gender is talked about it is in the form of men (aitze : /aitzɛ/), women (eitze : /ɛitzɛ/), and uitze (/ʊitzɛ/) which represents those who identify as a different gender, no gender or something else.   Inclusive and exclusive plural has nothing to do with being rude or polite. It is simply a way to differentiate things such as if "we're going to the market later" includes an expectation that the one spoken to is expected to join or if it refers to the speaker and others.  

First person

Singular Plural, inclusive Plural, exclusive
Honourary suj (/suʒ/)
I (honourary)
sh'azuje (/ʃaˈzuʒɛ/)
we, including you (honourary)
sh'azuj (/ʃaˈzuʒ/)
we, excluding you (honourary)
Regular su (/su/)
juth (/ʤuθɛ/)
we, including you
juth (/ʤuθ/)
we, excluding you
Dimunative uj (/uʒ/)
I (diminutive)
uji (/uˈʒiɛ/)
we, including you (diminutive)
uji (/uˈʒi/)
we, excluding you (diminutive)

Second person

Singular Plural, inclusive Plural, exclusive
Honourary qal (/qal/)
you (honourary)
qalthen (/qalˈθɛn/)
you and your group (honourary)
qalthēn (/qalˈθɪn/)
your group (honourary)
Regular sōth (/sʊð/)
sōthe (/sʊˈðɛ/)
you and your group
sōthu (/sʊˈðu/)
your group
Dimunative uth (/uð/)
you (diminutive)
uthi (/uˈðɛ/)
you and your group (diminutive)
uthi (/uˈði/)
your group (diminutive)

Third person

Singular Plural
Honourary k'aɦri> /k'aˈɦri/
he/she/it (honourary)
arak'ri> /aˈrak'ri/
they (honourary)
Regular ẹrath> /əˈrað/
ẹrai> /əˈrai/
Dimunative rath> /rað/
he/she/it (diminutive)
rẹath> /rəˈað/
they (diminutive)


↓Manner/Place→ Bilabial Labiodental Dental Alveolar Palato-alveolar Palatal Velar Uvular Glottal
Nasal m n ŋ
Stop p b t d k g q
Affricate ʧ ʤ
Fricative f v θ ð s z ʃ ʒ χ h
Approximant j
Trill r
Lateral approximant l
Front Central Back
High i y u
Near-high ɪ ʊ
Mid ə
Low-mid ɛ ɔ
Low a


2473 Words.
Translitteration key
tʃ (start of word) > ch'
a > a
aː > aa
ɪ > ē
ɪ: > ēē
ɛ > e
ɛ: > ee
ə > ẹ
ə: > ẹẹ
i > i
i: > ee or ii
ɔ > o
ɔ: > oo
u > ō
u: > ōō
ʊ > u
ʊ: > uu
ʃ > sh
ʃ (start of word) > sh'
ʒ > j
ʒ (start of word) > jh'
tʃ > ch
θ > th
ð > th
χ > h
ʤ > j
ʤ (end of word) > je
ŋ > ng
hʰ > h


The singular and plural forms assume a definite form. The general form is indefinite and acts for both singular and plural.
Singular Ending vowel: -n;
else: -in.
jithin (/ʤiˈðin/) > a dog
Plural Ending front vowel: -s;
Ending back vowel or ə: -i;
else: -ai.
jithis> (/ʤiˈðis/) > the dogs
General No affix
jithi (/ʤiˈði/) > dog


Future Present Imperfect Perfect Plusperfect
Indicative Ending vowel: -l,
haqal (/χaˈqal/)
will run
No affix
haq (/χaq/)
Ending vowel: -nd,
else: -ɛnd
haqend (/χaˈqɛnd/)
Ending vowel: -rdɛn,
else: -ardɛn
haqarden (/χaˈqardɛn/)
has run
Ending vowel: -rdɛnən,
else: -ardɛnən
haqardenen (/χaˈqardɛˌnɛn/)
had been running
Subjunctive Ending vowel: -l,
else: -il
haqil (/χaˈqil/)
were to run
Ending vowel: -gmə,
else: -ugmə
haqugmẹ (/χaˈqugmə/)
Ending vowel: -nɛ,
else: -inɛ
haqine (/χaˈqinɛ/)
were to run
Ending vowel: -rid,
else: -ariɛn
haqarien (/χaˈqariɛn/)
would have run
Ending vowel: -rdinin,
else: -ardinin
haqardinin (/χaˈqardiˌnin/)
would have been running
Conditional Ending vowel: -liq,
else: -aliq
haqaliq (/χaˈqaliq/)
might run
Ending vowel: -q,
else: -aq
haqaq (/χaˈqaq/)
could run
Suffix -ɛnq
haqenq (/χaˈqɛnq/)
would have run
Ending vowel: -rdɛq,
else: -ardɛq
haqardeq (/χaˈqardɛq/)
would have run if
Ending vowel: -rdɛnəq,
else: -ardɛnəq
haqardenẹq (/χaˈqardɛˌnəq/)
would have been running (if)
Optative Ending vowel: -linn
else: -alinn
haqalinn (/χaˈqalinn/)
fataed to run
Ending vowel: -n
else: -in
haqin (/χaˈqin/)
said to be running
Suffix -ɛnn
haqenn> /χaˈqɛnn/
said to have ran
Ending vowel: -rdinn
else: -ardin
haqardin (/χaˈqardin/)
said to have run
Ending vowel: -rdinin
else: -ardinin
haqardinin (/χaˈqardiˌnin/)
were said to have been running
Imperative Ending vowel: -l
else: -al
haqal (/χaˈqal/)
will be running
Beginning with a: -
else: a-
ahaq (/aˈχaq/)
Suffix -u
haqu (/χaˈqu/)
Ending vowel: -randɛ
else: -andɛ
haqande (/χaˈqandɛ/)
must have ran
Ending vowel: -rɛden
else: -ɛrɛden
haqereden (/χaˈqɛrɛˌden/)
had to run!


Dimunative Ending vowel: change final vowel a and suffix
else: -aʃ
mōthathash (/mʊˈθaðaʃ/)
a little warm
Absolute No affix
mōthath> /mʊˈθað/
Comparative Ending vowel: -ðɛs
else: -aðes
mōthathathes> /mʊˈθaðaˌðes/
Suplerlative Ending vowel: -ðɛsta
else: -aðesta
mōthathathesta> /mʊˈθaðaˌðesta/


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