Pierrot d'Valoc | Lost Waves

Pierrot d'Valoc

Redeemed by Barbarossa Sparklebeard
The Valoc District used to belong to Pierrot's ancestors before the formation of the Republic of Aëdela. The family remained located in the area, focusing on the land they had been able to retain thanks to backing the revolution.   Pierrot d'Valoc himself is mostly known for his extreme generosity. He only wears the simplest of garbs himself and has given everything he can to the poor. Taxes are collected, but exclusively on the most wealthy and immediately spent on those worst off. This has made him extremely popular with the masses but given him very dangerous and powerful enemies. Even some who agree with him in principle argue that his unbridled giving is actually worse in the long run than building up the coffers to establish long-term support.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Since he only eats what he has to, and very simple foods at that, Pierrot is very skinny and looks slightly malnourished. His face always has a warm and welcoming smile and he will greet anyone as a friend until proven otherwise.

Apparel & Accessories

Pierrot wears simple garbs, such as robes tied up with rope. He never carries anything of significant value and will not accept any gifts given to him.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

The amount of popularity Pierrot enjoys has placed him very securely in his position and no other Lord Servant can rely on their reelection as much as he can. This carries with it a significant amount of informal power as the Senate sees that he truly represents the will of the people.

Morality & Philosophy

Pierre believes that he deserves no comfort beyond those least fortunate in his Domain. The responsibility for every single individual lies heavily on his shoulders and one day he might break under the weight, but that day hasn't come yet.   There are those who suspect his over-zealous generosity is a symptom of some form of imbalance. This might be true or an excuse for misers to justify their own actions.


Family Ties

Other family relations detest Pierrot for squandering what was once a powerful economic centre. Suffice to say, ignoring is the kindest any of them would ever treat the Lord Servant, and many observers are waiting for an assassination attempt.

Wealth & Financial state

While the Valoc family managed to retain an impressive amount of its former wealth, Pierrot has donated almost all of it. Some has gone to the Republic at large, but most has been donated to the poorest of those in his District. What little he still has is there to allow him to spread any further wealth in a good way.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord Servant
Year of Birth
1314 SR 51 Years old
Current Residence
Short, brown, greying on the sides.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
170 cm
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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