Evendur Qecemk Character in Lost Waves | World Anvil
World under revision! This world was originally written purely as a Dugeons and DragonsĀ® setting. It is (slowly) being rewritten to be system agnostic When things don't seem to work togewther, this is likely why.

Evendur Qecemk

Evendur Qecemk

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He is 178cm tall and he weighs 70kg. He is a weak person rather than a strong one. You could say that this person is not built for fist-to-fist fights.

Body Features

His skin is dusky.

Facial Features

He has brown moustache, beard, eyes and hair.

Identifying Characteristics

His hair reaches his shoulders. He somehow always looks sorrowfull, even when he is joyful or smiling. He looks older than he actually is. He always tries his best to dress well and clean enough. He looks like he is trying not to drag any attention by his looks.

Secretive, talkative, goal-oriented, middle-aged male wizard scholar who secretly loves and cares about other people.

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On our way to the swamps

We woke up to find Mestamo, my old friend, missing. As much as I care and worry about him - considering what I heard of this town - we made our mind to pursue our journey onto swamps. I have a feeling that we will come up to Mestamo as we proceed anyway.   While we were on our way to the swamp, four creature that I could not identify attacked us sneakily. We managed to protect ourselves through the fight and capture one of them alive. He speaks Sylvan and he is not a magical creature. We have to find someone who knows Sylvan.   I am determined to go deep down into this thing. Why were they here? Why did they attack us immediately? Are they here because of the *same reason* as I am? We will find out.  


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