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The Forging of Doh'garus, and Horoth's Siegebreakers

Military: War


A civil war breaks out in Fafnia, and the nation is torn in two. Horoth's siegebreakers turn the Doh'garus militia into a nation in and of itself.

On the new world, the appointed leaders of the draconic nation of Fafnia restrict all but the most basic freedoms. No weapons can be held, no free words can be spoken, no streets can be filled after a certain time. The western settlements rise up to fight this tyranny. The newly formed Doh'garus militia stole weapons, and overwhelmed the local guard. Lead By Valros Akkamara, they drove themselves through the heart of Fafnia. Only when Fafnia's army fully mobilized did the Doh'garus militia stop. Fafnia pushed them back to the west. With every loss, the Doh'garus Militia could only slow them down. Eventually, they came to a stop.   Fafnia had the advantage as their supplies were greater than the militia's. As the line was about to break, five hundred mounted draconin emerged from behind the Doh'garus line. They bare the Doh'garus insignia on their banners. These mounted draconin snapped the Fafnian line. Doh'garus was formed into their own nation, and the mounted draconin were called Horoth's Siegebreakers. Their armor was decorated with great metal wings.   Instead of a single individual leading this new nation, they divided the power amongst six separate bloodlines, and formed a counsel. The Akkamara bloodline lead the charge, so Valros was given head counsel. The perfect, sinless world that all had hoped Eternity would be, was gone. Still, each nation would hold on to peace, and they were damned if they let go.

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