Kyros Universal Timeline Timeline
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Universal Timeline

For the calendar, see Calendar

The Ancient Kingdom

... 3000 AGC

  • 2500 A.K.

    Creation of Apollo
    Artistic creation

  • 3000 A.K.

    3001 A.K.

    The Founding of Ezreich

    With the sack of the old Kingdom, came the birth of a new age. The Acchus family has risen, and Ezreich is established. Circle of Eight

The Great War Era

The Pre-Cataclysm Era

The time before the earthshaking Cataclysm

  • 3230 BGC

    Apollo Battles the Rust Monster

    Following the battle with the terrible Rust Monster, the party is unsure where to go next.

  • 3238 BGC

    4031 BGC

    0 /0 00:00

    Damakos and Shorn Departure Date

  • 3301 BGC

    3301 BGC

    Grint Acchus dies, Growe Acchus assumes power.
    Life, Death

    Alas, a poisoning, though the investigation was never officially conducted...

  • 3992 BGC

    7 Septimas

    The Great War Begins
    Military action

    A tale of fire, ash, and death.

  • 4000 BGC

    4001 BGC

    The Great Cataclysm
    Era beginning/end

Cataclysmic Era

Life after the Cataclysm

  • 0 AGC

    1 AGC

    The Great Cataclysm
    Era beginning/end
  • 13 AGC

    4 Sextas

    Anora and Imdriel receive the Dragonmark
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Anora and Imdriel receive the Dragonmark

  • 13 AGC

    12 Duodecim 12:00

    Growe Acchus of Ezreich dies
    Life, Death

    The ruler of Ezreich dies

  • 13 AGC

    12 Duodecim 14:00

    Balse Acchus ascends to power
    Civil action

    Balse, son of Growe, is crowned the ruler of Ezreich.

  • 17 AGC

    13 Quintas

    Edhell Emancipates from Ezreich

    Edhell declares their independence and threatens with war if Ezreich pushes laws onto them

  • 26 AGC

    19 Sextas
    -3972 AGC

    30 Secundas 14:00

    Yuan-ti/Human War
    Military action

  • 28 AGC

    16 Tartus

    Imdriel goes to Ezreich
    Civil action

    Gnomes convince Imdriel to go to Ezreich. Imdriel registers while he's there. He reveals that he's Dragonmarked. He also gets a commendation.

  • 31 AGC

    1 Quortus

    Party Tavern Awakening

    Damakos Inkakriz and Shorn Brightspyre come to in a tavern, with no memory of...well...anything

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  • 31 AGC

    2 Quortus 06:00

    Camp Ambush
    Military action

    Bandits have found the camp of the party. Combat ensues.

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  • 31 AGC

    5 Quortus 9:00
    -3970 AGC

    6 Quortus 13:00

    Griffin Discovery
    Discovery, Exploration

    The party finds (and kills) a wounded Griffin. They also discover the Griffin's nest nearby, full of eggs.

    Additional timelines
  • 31 AGC

    9 Quortus 08:00
    31 AGC

    10 Quortus 13:00

    Meeting at Ravendale
    Diplomatic action

    The Dwarves, Elves, and Humans all send prominent members of society to the council meeting of Ravendale. The party is also present.

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  • 31 AGC

    19 Quortus

    Balor Meeting
    Disaster / Destruction

    A frightening foe awaits...

    More reading
    The Guild of Obscurity
    Additional timelines
  • 31 AGC

    24 Quortus

    A Firbolg Meeting
    Diplomatic action

    Into the dangerous forest, where hairy giants await.

    More reading
    The Guild of Obscurity
    Additional timelines
  • 31 AGC

    27 Quortus

    Under arrest!
    Political event

    The Sheriff arrives, and the deeds of some of the party members have now caught up to them. The entire party is arrested.

    More reading
    The Guild of Obscurity
    Additional timelines
  • 31 AGC

    30 Quortus

    Arrival in Ezreich
    Discovery, Exploration

    Although in chains, the party arrives in the grand city of Ezreich. It is here they are imprisoned, to await their trial.

    More reading
    The Guild of Obscurity
    Additional timelines
  • 31 AGC

    39 Quortus

    The trial witnesses arrive to Ezreich
    Civil action

    The trial witnesses arrive to Ezreich

  • 31 AGC

    42 Quortus

    Political event

    The party is tried, and through unforeseen circumstances they're found "not guilty", though their damning evidence said otherwise. The party is released.

    More reading
    The Guild of Obscurity
    Additional timelines
  • 31 AGC

    42 Quortus

    Brodo Faygons is murdered, an ancient artifact is recovered
    Life, Death

    Brodo is killed by a mysterious elf, the elf is driven away before he can claim an artifact of great power.

    More reading
    The Guild of Obscurity
    Additional timelines
  • 31 AGC

    48 Quortus

    Shorn receives word of a defiled temple

    The party leaves, now joined by Ragnis Anflame at the behest of Balse.

    More reading
    The Guild of Obscurity
    Additional timelines
  • 31 AGC

    5 Quintas
    -3970 AGC

    7 Quintas

    Arrival at the temple of Ilmater
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    The party clears the corruption from the temple. They are given unearthly items for their aid. The party departs and heads for Ezreich

    More reading
    The Guild of Obscurity
    Additional timelines
  • 31 AGC

    12 Quintas
    -3970 AGC

    15 Quintas

    A quest for "eggs"

    Damakos discovers a bounty surrounding an "egg smuggler". Ragnis is told to track down a smuggler that owes him "eggs". The party works with Ragnis once more.

    More reading
    The Guild of Obscurity
    Additional timelines
  • 31 AGC

    18 Quintas
    -3970 AGC

    20 Quintas

    Arrival at Edhell
    Discovery, Exploration

    The party reaches Edhell. Anora departs, and the party rests for a few days before continuing on towards Pelghast.

    More reading
    The Guild of Obscurity
    Additional timelines
  • 31 AGC

    25 Quintas
    -3970 AGC

    26 Quintas

    Arrival at Pelghast
    Discovery, Exploration

    The party reaches the desolate city of Pelghast, which is hardly more than a few ramshackle buildings and a desecrated wall

    More reading
    The Guild of Obscurity
    Additional timelines
  • 31 AGC

    28 Quintas
    -3970 AGC

    30 Quintas

    The Smuggler's Den
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    The party reaches the den of the smuggler, deep in the Marshlands. Within the den, they find cooking supplies, as well as wyrmlings and a corpse. Upon further investigation, they discover a passage leading to a black dragon's lair. The dragon ends up fleeing, and they collect its loot. The party departs, triumphant.

    More reading
    The Guild of Obscurity
    Additional timelines
  • 31 AGC

    31 Quintas

    Vallarfax the Terror is slain
    Life, Death

    The black dragon, Vallarfax, is killed by the party.

    More reading
    The Guild of Obscurity
    Additional timelines
  • 31 AGC

    33 Quintas

    Arrival at Pelghast, discovery of the Wandering Wyvern
    Discovery, Exploration

    The party arrives at Pelghast. Ragnis assists the town in repairing various buildings. Everyone else discovers the "Wandering Wyvern Tavern".

    More reading
    The Guild of Obscurity
    Additional timelines
  • 31 AGC

    34 Quintas

    The party officially has a name

    While inside the Wandering Wyvern, the party registers under the name "The Guild of Obscurity". Ragnis was not present, and thus is not an official member.

    More reading
    The Guild of Obscurity
    Additional timelines
  • 31 AGC

    35 Quintas 13:00

    The party teleports to Krusk's home

    More reading
    The Guild of Obscurity
    Additional timelines
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