Kerplunk Kerplonk Character in Kyros | World Anvil
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Kerplunk Kerplonk

Created by Hasteful.

Kerplunk Kerplonk (a.k.a. Shit Gremlin)

Kerplunk Kerplonk is, as he would have you believe, a world renown bard. He can be found frequenting whatever piss-poor establishments will let him through the door, particularly if they'll have him for free. Unfortunately for our green-skinned friend, such taverns are far and few between.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Kerplunk Kerplonk embodies all things grotesque within his short, thin, and ugly frame. With a large, bulbous nose and squinty, heavily-lidded eyes, he is an affront to the word 'beauty'.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Kerplunk Kerplonk is an avid fan of all things shiny and expensive. More often than not, he can be found performing his favorite method of acquiring such objects: Scavenging battlefields and looting containers.   He has very few dislikes, although it has been most recently discovered, through the aid of John MacDonal, that Kerplunk has a firm dislike for bathing.


Kerplunk's general aroma has always been an acquired taste. His scent varies greatly, ranging from being distasteful and unpalatable to extremely vile. More often than not, this smell is the result of his escapades, alongside his aversion to any form of bathing.



A grating, high pitched voice that has audiences running in droves – in the opposite direction of Kerplunk, of course. Often times, Kerplunk Kerplonk can be found calling out his own name, otherwise contributing very little to conversations.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Kerplunk the unWise
Year of Birth
18 AGC 15 Years old
Deep brown
Dirty, matted orange.
40 lbs
Aligned Organization

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Kerplunk Kerplonk


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