
CW: Oppression

The afreys are Asheks with a mutation that makes them grow wings on their back. There are two types of Asheks: the mighty and the touched, and they are divided depening on their wings.   The mighty are asheks that were born with full wings, able to move them and, with enough training, fly short distances. They are believed to be descendants of the gods and are overprotected by other asheks as they shall be the ones to save them from the wrath of the (now) sleeping Fedan'th, a god who sweared to destroy everything from Threk, and teh asheks are made by the Threk.   The touched are asheks who were born with half wings. Wings that aren't fully developed, wings that cannot move and are dragged, wings that in truth are just back growths. They are believed to be favourited by their god and are given the important jobs of taking care of the mighty.   As they are seen close to their god, most settlements of Ashesk have the afrey under close vigilance and enclosed on a small part of their towns that are only given access to the afrey, their guards, the priests, and the town's doctor when in need. They are not allowed to exit the enclosure, the only moment they can leave is when the town is being evacuated or they are in grave danger. The might afreys aren't even allowed to fly around even though their whole being demands flying around.   The touched are supposed to sacrifice themselves in order to keep the might alive and do everything on their power to keep them alive. The might will be sacrificed if something affects their wings to rend them useless (and essencially becoming a touched) to apease their god, as it is believed it only happens if they angry the god.   Neither are allowed to reproduce, as afreys are supposed to be choosen ones and pure, so if an afrey gives a descendant that isn't an afrey it would be a scandal.
This article requires editing. If you are interested in it, let me know either in Discord (such as in my discord or in my DMs) or as a comment here.


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