Expo Raids

Clockwork Courier Special
All you need to know about the conflict in the south, including exlusive interview with Sergeant Lance about the current state of the war.
— Newspaper Article

An Essential War For Soulkind

The Expo Raids are the biggest set of military conflicts of Ignotas to date. First introduced in the Month of Axe & Sword of year 10 in a Call To Arms, the Expo Raids have lasted years longer than initially thought. While advertised as a long but ultimately prosperous battle turned into an almost decade long war that sees no signs of stopping in the near future.


In these last almost nine years, the Rox Guilds military sector has recorded tremendous feats, liberating the lands now known as the planes on which Fort Expo stands, the mountain range to its east and most recently, the Vineyard, with many more patches of land to come. They did so by clearing these sectors of anything malicious (beasts and monsters) and sucking up the everlasting Fog in these regions using the technology we call Warding Lights.

The Sacrifices have yielded much

As part of this nine year campaign, our knowledge about our world more than tripled, and thanks to the sacrifices of each soul we were able to advance our civilization in fields like medical, industrial, trinketry, theoretical magical knowledge and many more.

The Vineyard

Especially with the clearing of the vineyard, a dungeon that countless souls lost their lives trying to liberate, we found signs of a long list civilization, their technology similar to, yet more advanced than those in our old world, closely guarded by a fierce Necromantic Harvester.

The Enemy is getting stronger

When soulkind started this campaign, we fought beasts we knew. Wolves, Mutated bears, Bloodvines and sadly, to this day, corrupted Swallowed. Even though these threats were horrifying, it only got, and gets, worse the further we venture away from home. We have witnessed eldritch horrors, wyvern-like beasts and serpents so poisonous the victim will not even feel the pain before falling over.

Jobs in the Military

With the rise of powerful enemies must come more powerful people, trinkets and weaponry. The Soulforges of the military have been working with great funding, developing new weaponry tirelessly to supply our troops with. Soulventures have been popping up more frequently than ever before. The most esteemed University, Rox Academics has gotten funding to allow each and every willing person not only to attend this prestigeous school for free, but to get to expect the best professors in the fields teaching them what they need to fight alongside their comrades in a battle that when won, will catapult our society forward generations.

Exclusive Interview with Sergeant Lance

Sergeant Lance is a Soulweaver employed full time in the Rox Guilds military sector together with her Soulventure. Now, after four years of her earning valuable on-field experience, she is now also in charge of training and preparing new recruits to join the cause.

About the current state of the raids

We have been working tirelessly to further soulkinds territory in the south and saw great success in doing so already. We are sending about four raids consisting of a minimum of five Soulventures into the Expo territory daily and with each return we learn something new about our world.
— Sergeant Lance
Sergeant Lance

New Information Exclusive To This Interview

There is one piece of information I am cleared to speak on. We have recently been fighting in a new terrain east of the Vineyard, we call the Thundercrack. Though we don't know much about this location, we found some very fascinating ores and ressources there that, once confirmed, will for sure shock a lot of people in a good way. Have a look out for that in the next few Clockwork Courier volumes.

A Call To All

Lastly, we at the Clockwork Courier want to take this chance to speak to all our audiences directly:
Soulkind needs all the hands they can get. Should you be compelled to fight for you kin after reading this article, either directly by participating in the raids, or by employing your expertise in research or craftsmanship, please contact your local ROX-Recruitment Center available in every city or at your local town hall. Thank you for your time as always and we hope to write about your heroic deeds in the future.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Month of Slaughter, 10 AFA
Ending Date


The Wilds


~3000 average active Fighters ~7000 in reserve
estimated over 30 000 beasts and growing


over 800 in current times.
a few thousand.


liberating the largest patch of land in history, paving the way for countless new inventions of soulkind.


  • World Map
    This map details the currently unveiled territory by humanity.
Bloodvine within the Fog by Midourney
Expo Raid Illustration


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