Tale of the Moment's Emergence Myth in Freyna | World Anvil

Tale of the Moment's Emergence

From the form, came the purpose. From that purpose, came us

As recorded in the tales told to our children:

In the beginning

There was nothing but the void.
It was cold and silent and empty, but perfect.

Then a thought formed inside it

The thought had no shape or form and did not yet have words to express itself.
Yet it spoke in the language of intent.
It cast this intent into the great expanse of the void.   The intent was met with a host of astral spirits which binded the thought to a form, and that form to a new and plentiful cosmos.
  The formed intent was bound with chains of flesh and bone and set forth to act as emissaries for the universe itself, and the great void from which we all emerged.

From the intent came the form

From the form, came the purpose. From that purpose, came us.

This is the Moment's Emergence

Info: Became a common tale often told to the youth of Brudenia
Date of First Recording
Date of Setting
Year 0


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