Artíjihàk language (/arˈti.ʒɪ.hαːk/)

Artíjihàk (Artíjihàkian) is an Ethúlic language of the southern Andaric branch, used throughout the Eastern Archipelago region, mainly in the Lórandàr Empire, from the middle of Arge Azoenna to the beginning of the Arge Rhava. Genetically, it is a daughter language of Ferendha, but with the interaction and conflict with various peoples during the Ōn-Idrashtān period, elements of agglutination were incorporated from the Aleyuan languages, and many loan words from Enseridarian and Varokeřim languages are also found. It was famously used by Líthlÿr-Martharàrana Wenessílre and Tormis Narno in The Epic of Kardiare, which describes the Kardiare Wars in Arge Azoenna.



There are five base vowels (àwa) in Artíjihàk, but each of them has at least two variants, marked with acute and grave accents. Vowels with the acute accent denote the acute vowels (íthí àwa), where they become fronted or raised. The grave accent, conversely, denotes the backed or lowered quality; in this case the vowels are called dull vowels (ennon àwa). Dull vowels are thought to have been semi-long in length as well.   In addition to these three series of vowels, there are also diphthongs (lór àwa), which are comprised of an acute-accented í and a base vowel. There is also the tarvíël sign transcribed with an umlaut, which indicates that a vowel sequence that appears to be a diphthong is not a double vowel, and/or that the following consonant is weakened (see Consonants for consonant weakening). A tarvíël sign can sometimes placed atop the semivowel y [j] (e.g. ÿr "maiden"), indicating that the y in question forms a syllable nucleus.   These different series of vowels alternate within the declension/conjugation paradigms, and can be neatly arranged into an Ablaut system, becoming weaker to the right and stronger to the left in the table below:
Àwa Íthí Ennon Lór
a á à ía
e é è íe
i í ì
o ó ò ío
u ú ù íu


単数 双数 複数 大複数 男性 女性 男性 女性 男性 女性 男性 女性 1人称 lóe lóen me men náe náen lie lin 2人称 lóthe lóthne mú mún nā nān tie tin 3人称 lós lóns múr múrn nár nánar vie vin


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