Marauder Profession in Faelon | World Anvil


Marauders sweep the great plains spreading terror and bringing death swiftly behind the drum of their horses’ hooves. Rising from the western plains of Symidia, honing their combat and survival skills, the Grular became some of the most feared horse archers in all Isarshael. Whether as independent raiders or as the vanguard of a Khan’s army, these horse masters are often credited with mystical abilities as they appear from nowhere to ride down on their victims then vanish without trace into the vast prairies of the Khanate.   Trained to the bow shortly after learning to walk, young Grular aid the family by hunting. Those hunters of promise receive the attention and support of the family and even the clan. By twelve summers, a young Grular has often spent more hours in a saddle and with a bow than on the ground. At this age they often range far afield in search of pillaging.   The unforgiving expanses of Grular are the home of the Marauder. Tireless warriors riding the hardiest horses, Marauders are deadly warriors lethal firing their composite bows from the saddle and able to deal a serious blow up with their flails when charging into melee.    


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