Karolis - The Little Reach Settlement in Faelon | World Anvil

Karolis - The Little Reach

The Little Reach is the Trilian District of Karolis and is smaller than the other Districts. It is also distinct in its aesthetics. It is bordered on the west by the Administrative District and lies entirely north of the Soremna Dakel. Coming from the east on the road, the Little Reach is just inside the Paz Zar Gate. The Trilians prefer natural elements in their architecture and living areas and have patterned the Little Reach after their villages.   Trees abound in the Little Reach, the only place where that is true. A large central building houses several permanent Trilian merchants, who share the space and don’t seem to mind. Large stables are found in the district’s eastern section, and small warehouses are also located here.   The overall aesthetic is wild, as trees and grass dominate the Little Reach. Many of the town’s residents will simply go here to take a walk, something that the Trilians encourage.   There is no indication of a Trilian holy place here, though given the proclivities of Trilians to venerate and worship nature, the entirety of the Little Reach could be a sacred place. There is a Treespeaker in Karolis, Sorrela Tevil. She is often seen leading silent throngs of Trilians at the base of one of the trees in the Little Reach, though what they are doing is known only to the Trilians.


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