Karolis - The Administrative District Settlement in Faelon | World Anvil

Karolis - The Administrative District

On the North end of Karolis are the remains of the Krai Jan fortress of Ghabaz Pathai - Woodwatch - one of many such fortresses that stood along the Vasilar - Kandor Road that guarded trade and troop movements against the predations of the Dal Manaz Yateelai - The Green Eyed Ones - of the Foxwood.   Today only about half of the original fortress still stands. Its walls used to encompass the entirety of the Bazaar as well. Now, Karolis’s stronghold and administrative heart are restricted to the north side of the Soremna Dakel. Its gates are guarded by the Karolis Guard at all hours of the day. Few are allowed entry, though the Voleshderin and the Master of the Merchant League are allowed access at any time.   Behind the walls of the fortress is the Keep where the Linvolkan lives and the city’s business is conducted. The town’s courts are also in the Keep, and each Voleshderin has a large office.   Besides the Keep, the only other buildings are those of the Karolis Guard. The Karolis Guard’s barracks line the old fortress’s east and west walls. The Karolis Guard eat and sleep here, though off-duty Guardspeople is allowed into the city to visit one of the few taverns.   There is almost always an operative of the Golden Hand in Karolis. They keep an eye on the comings and goings of the other kingdoms and the trade situation in town. They live in the Keep.


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