Bort Nathuk - Haradelan Character in Faelon | World Anvil

Bort Nathuk - Haradelan

Warden Bort Nathuk

  Responsible for the defense of Haradel’s long western border, The Warden of Arsmouth is one of the most strategically important positions in Haradel. Managing both a thriving trade area and the perennial border disputes with Falkaar, the Warden is kept constantly busy managing several things at once.   The town of Arsmouth itself sits on the eastern edge of the Inner Sea and is a center for trade from across the Kingdom of Haradel. Its bustling markets and busy docks speak of a city well placed to sell and transport the goods of Haradel.   Goods from all over the kingdom find their way into Arsmouth. From Hercourt where the King resides foods are floated downriver on flat bottomed barges. Ore, hides, and weapons come down from Bretan. From the south, Wood, cloth, and grain pour into Arsmouth’s markets.   Defying conventions about what makes a good Warden, Bort Nathuk is the unorthodox Warden of Arsmouth. Short, squat, and notoriously ugly, Bort’s appearance belies an incredible intelligence and grasp of humanity that none in Haradel can match.   Bort’s court is a hodgepodge of characters. Filled with artists, musicians, and merchants rather than courtesans, visiting dignitaries are left to wonder about Bort and what he finds important. Court politics revolve around trade and art rather than armed conflict, arranged relationships, and the normal power struggles of the nobility. Bort will have none of that in his court. It’s not that he doesn’t think these things important, but those are matters for discussions elsewhere.   Bort employs the finest of musicians and keeps a personal minstrel in his court. Much is expected of this minstrel as Bort is a lover of music and especially new and unique music.   Bort enjoys the finer things when it comes to food and music but cares little for fashion and fancy dress. He does not allow those at his court to dress fancily and to see him on the street one would be inclined to dismiss him as a peasant. This earns him secret ridicule from other courts but none would dare say anything to his face.   Besides being an unorthodox thinker and colorful personality, Bort is well known for his short temper. If he has a serious flaw it is that he is easily provoked and quick to rise to an affront, both real and imagined. Some have tried to use this weakness against him only to find that once aroused Bort’s temper leads to a very cool and methodical finishing of a fight.   Bort employs Freebands often to help patrol his long border with Falkaar as well as to keep the Inner Sea free of pirates. He has his own ideas about tactics and is very choosy about the Freeblade company he keeps. He is just as picky about how a job is done as he is that it is done.
Current Location
Bald with grey fringe
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale Skin
235 lbs
Aligned Organization
Patron Special Rule: Share the Wealth. A freeband with the Warden of Arsmouth as patron gains an additional d8 gold at the end of each game.

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