
Dem bones

bny is the reconstituted bone of the leviatons that stalk Excilior's waters. Given the landscape's general dearth of metallic ores, it is a critical resource throughout casterway societies for tools, construction, and weaponry.


Material Characteristics

bny, in its native state, looks exactly like what it is - bone from a massive, monstrous sea creature that used to roam the depths before it ultimately met its demise. As such, the shapes of the raw materials are exactly the shapes that would be expected when perusing the skeleton of dead, giant, aquatic life. But the color would appear odd to those unfamiliar with Excilior. That's because most bones that qualify as ebny are matte black when they begin processing.
For those ebny bones that are earmarked for use in their "native" form (e.g., those that will be used in the construction of a building), they will usually maintain this same coloring and finish. Because "construction-grade" bones are rarely polished. But ebny that is cut into smaller implements - for tools, weapons, even jewelry - is almost always polished. And when it is, it takes on a lustrous sheen that almost appears oily (although this effect is present even when its surface is completely free of adulterants of any kind).

Physical & Chemical Properties

ost of the traditional fish in Excilior's seas have skeletons that would look familiar to people from other planets. Their frames feature many thin/fine bones that bleach to white when removed from the carcass of their host. These bones typically serve little purpose other than to occasionally lodge themselves in the throats of unsuspecting diners. But the planet's massive sea monsters are supported by skeletons with decidedly different characteristics.
Strong, Light, Black
Although these leviatons constitute a great many distinct species, nearly all of them share common traits in their unique skeletons. Their bones are not white - but black (although some are charcoal grey after processing). They have a much higher tensile strength than that of "normal" sea creatures. And although their massive skeletons would never be characterized as "light", they certainly weigh less than the bones of land-based creatures, or of other sturdy materials of similar scale.   The structural properties of these bones makes them ideal for erecting buildings. Some of the most striking casterway architecture is framed by the visible outline of giant black bones, harvested from the sea, which originated from some ancient, terrifying sea creature.   These hearty bones need not be used in their whole, raw form. In the hands of skilled craftsmen (with access to proper tools), the bones can be carved up, ground down, and whittled into a great array of useful forms. They can also be polished to a lustrous shine.
Processed ebny has a great many uses, but one of its most common is in weapons - including knives and swords of every shape and size. In the most extravagant examples, a mighty ebny blade can be fashioned from a single contiguous piece of bone. In more practical (and economical) examples, a long blade of ebny will be anchored to a solid wooden base (typically, bloodwood).   Although ebny's properties in no way make it a complete substitute for steel, it is well known for holding an edge. And an ebny blade is not entirely like one of steel. Specifically, ebny can be crafted to a razor-fine edge, whereas steel is considered to be more of a "blunt" cutting implement. Decapitation is a more common occurrence when a blow is struck by an ebny blade, because its sheer cutting ability makes it more likely that it will slice clean through whatever stands before it.   For those who appreciate the aesthetic qualities of their weaponry, ebny is the easy choice. Not only is steel a rare commodity on the planet, but a fully adorned steel sword is no match for the allure of an expertly-polished ebny blade.   Ebny's use in weaponry is not restricted to swords and daggers. It's also commonly used for spears and arrowheads.

Geology & Geography

eviaton bones can, theoretically, be found anywhere that the ocean meets the land. Dead-or-dying leviatons have, on occasion, washed up on every stretch of coastline known to casterways. But there are certain regions that are known for a much higher incidence of these bones.
The Boneyard
The most common source of ebny is The Boneyard. The confluence of Thigry Island and Igry Island forms a kind of "catcher's mitt" that leads to a regular depositing of these monstrous skeletons throughout the entirety of the bay. The coastal cities of Champierlin and Mavey are the largest processing centers of ebny on the planet. Here, the prevailing southwesterly winds, coupled with strong undercurrents that push the water in the same direction, ensure that a regular supply of monstrous carcasses find their way to these shores. After extensive processing and crafting of the bones, the finished products are moved down the coast to the great ebny trading center of Signeressie. Every day, a fleet of ships loads processed ebny into their cargo holds and whisks it off to eager marketplaces on all three continents.

Origin & Source

bny originates from the skeletons of leviatons. The sheer size of these structures delineates them from being mere "fish bones". But they also carry unique qualities.

Over millennia, unscrupulous traders have tried to pawn off any long, black, shiny substance as "ebny". But true ebny never originates from any source other than the bones of deceased sea monsters. Seasoned traders are well versed in ebny's true qualities and would never fall for the low-grade fakes that permeate unregulated markets.


Trade & Market

he port city of Signeressie, near the southern tip of Thigry Island, is the world's largest ebny marketplace. Quipay in Ucarania, Puayracsca in Chuiti, and Colladuvio in Poglia are also major centers of ebny trade. There are many other cities across all three continents that are known for the secondary trade in processed ebny goods, but these cities are the primary sources of original ebny materials.
Black or charcoal grey
Common State
Related Locations


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