Energy in Essence & Energy | World Anvil


The main energies in the world are broken up into eight different types: Chrono, Elemental, Force, Gaia, Necrosis, Photonic, Psionic, and Transmutation (with Elemental having its own subtypes). Although the main eight are the focus of worship and study, there are other minor energies that live in the world. They, however, are typically not strong enough to be used to channel spells.

Energy Types


Chrono energy is one of the deadlier energies to channel, as it can cause channelers to cease to exist in a blink of an eye. When channeling Chrono energy, the channeler becomes part of the essence of time and space, allowing them to manipulate reality.


The energy of the six corners but more understood as the energy of the storm. Elemental energy is not a single type of energy, but comprises different elements. Elemental energy is made of air, earth, fire, frost, lightning, and water. Each can be called upon to aid the channeler as needed.

Unlike other energy types, elemental has a channeling skill for each individual element. When using elemental spells, you can only channel the element that you have an expertise channeling skill of; otherwise, it causes over channeling.

Elemental spells have a section that is referred to as Open Elemental Spells. This section in the elemental spell list is spells that can be channeled using almost any element the channeler knows. They work like the standard open spells, except they only apply to elemental energy.


The power to control force is very dangerous, yet empowering. It is one energy that can be extremely deadly if not careful. While it can grant the ability of flight, it can also make you extremely light to where you come back down.


Gaia is the energy of life and nature that grants all living being’s life. If a living being has its life force (connection with Gaia) removed, it dies; as without Gaia, there is no life. Gaia not only provides healing and curing ailments but is also comprises all nature. Those who channel Gaia can cure and heal others along with becoming one with nature, using its resources to their advantage.


Death energy is the deadliest energy known and is one of the hardest energies to study. Most channelers who attempt to study the energy of death end up becoming abominations or corrupt from what the power offers. However, with death, there is always a catch to the power it grants.


The energy composed of both light and darkness. Photonic energy is the core of all illusion and spectral based spells. Although most photonic spells are illusions using a mixture of light and darkness and cannot create solid forms, there are a few spells that can become solid.


The energy that taps into the power of the mind. Channeling Psionic energy can allow the channeler to become psychic. It can give the ability of telepathy, telekinesis, remote viewing, clairvoyance and more. The limit of your mind is your only limit.


Transmutation energy allows channelers to alter matter, changing it from one into another. Transmutation requires equal exchange when transmuting matter. Without the equal exchange, the matter becomes unstable and possibly even volatile.

Organic material has been the most difficult matter to transmute, but if it’s channeled properly, it is not forbidden. Some channelers change their appearance briefly by using transmutation energy, despite the discomfort it causes.

It is not possible for channelers to transmute life. Every attempt has failed, and only abominations have been created that typically kill their creators. There is only one type of creature that can transmute life, and they are the architects of nearly all creatures in the world.

Transmutation spells are unique in that they require another source of materials on top of the channeler’s conduit. The spells are still activated through the conduit, but the effects only affect the materials related to the spell.

The Gods of Energy

I learn that with energy being extremely powerful, many believe it to be the essence of gods. Just as we have essence, so do the gods. However, their essence isn’t limited to a physical form and is present nearly everywhere. Those who believe energy are the essence of gods think they grant us their power and allow us to use it as magic.

Such as the great and wondrous Gaia, giver of life and gardener of the world. She created all life in the world and provides us with the materials such as trees, air, plants, water, and all other aspects of nature. We use these to survive and live in her world.

Psion gives us the ability to think and communicate with each other.

Photonic provides us with light when we need to see and darkness when we wish to sleep or hide.

Element grants us fire to stay warm, water to drink, air to breathe, frost to cool us on hot days, and earth in which to grow our food.

Necrosis chariots us safely to the afterlife, where our essence can be converted into new life.

Force to keep us on the ground yet allow us to float in the clouds on our sky vessels.

Transmutation which allows us to convert one matter into another.

Finally, and respected the most, Chrono, keeper of time, who keeps all the energy flowing in time and space in order to ensure a balance is kept between them.

- The Explorer


Energy Colors

Each energy is represented by a color that becomes visible when the energy is channeled or has formed at large concentrations, such as an energy storm. Otherwise, the energy’s color cannot be visibly seen with the naked eye. To see the energy’s color that isn’t in a large concentration or actively being channeled, the open spell Detect Energy can be used.

The channeling skills, once expertise, allow the character to see the energy color connected to the skill. However, the character cannot openly see the energy present in the atmosphere or stored in objects (Runic Items). The Detect Energy spell is required to see deeper.

When channeling energy, the channeler’s skin and conduit take on the color of the energy being channeled. The colors appear as if they are smoke under the channeler’s skin. The color intensifies and grows brighter the higher the spell costs. If you channel energy too much, your skin may hold on to the hue of the energy used the most, permanently. Ultraviolet causes your skin to become transparent.

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