Conduits in Essence & Energy | World Anvil


A conduit is the object being used when channeling a spell. These objects must be constructed and cannot be created by natural means. So, objects such as trees, dirt, rocks, and other components of nature cannot be used as a conduit. The object used as a conduit is constructed with a small amount of the artisan's essence. This awakens the object to accept the flow of energy you are pushing through it when channeling. The amount of the artisan’s essence implanted into the object is minuscule enough to not affect any attempts at channeling. If the channeling fails, it’s more than likely not the conduit’s fault.

It is possible to turn natural materials into crafted objects be using the crafting mechanics of the game. See the crafting chapter on how to craft items.

Channeling without a Conduit

While energy flows through nearly everything, the actual act of channeling is not natural, as it is manipulating the natural flow of energy. Taking the energy and forcing it to your will change its flow, which requires an object that has essence to control that flow. Without that preexisting essence, the energy becomes unstable.

The way channeling energy works in the world, it is physically impossible to channel without using a conduit. Attempting to channel without a proper conduit causes immediate over channeling, an energy surge in two random areas of the body, and for the channeler to take the full amount of damage the conduit normally would have taken (double if using blood energetics). After all of that happens, the initial spell doesn’t activate.

Channeling without a melded conduit is not considered over channeling if you are within your channeling limit.

Melded & Non-Melded Conduits

There are two different ways to use a conduit. One is using a random object as the conduit without taking the time to connect with it. This causes the conduit to take damage equal to half the spell’s cost in durability damage and an energy surge caused from wild energy.

Half the spells cost = durability damage to the non-mended conduit

Objects used as conduits that do not have enough durability for the spell’s cost disintegrate after the spell’s effects are activated. However, if the object’s durability is lower than the spell’s cost by five or more, the object disintegrates, and the spell fails. No essence is wasted as none was expelled out; instead, the energy is dispersed, and your essence is returned to you.

Object durability vs. spell cost is >5 difference = spell fails and object disintegrates

Large objects such as walls take durability damage by the square foot. Just remember that the spell’s effect expels out of an edge, point, or end. A flat wall has none of these, therefore, it cannot be used as a conduit. See the game master tools chapter for more information on walls and other larger objects’ durability.

Melded Conduit

The other way to use a conduit is to perform a process called melding. When melded with a conduit, you put a part of yourself within the object which strengthens it.

For every conduit you have melded with, you increase the number of spells you can memorize by one. The conduit must be on your person (or within thirty feet) to gain this bonus.

Melded with a conduit = +1 memorized spells

Melding requires a full eight hours of uninterrupted concentration. All objects have a small amount of essence within them, and you can slowly blend your essence with its own. Although small, an object's essence can be strengthened with focus and time to resist energy. Once this melding is complete, you now have a special connection to that object. This special connection makes it so you can only have one melded conduit at a time (multiple conduits can be melded with by using the Multiple Melding Mastery).

While using a melded conduit with spells that are within your channeling limit, the conduit does not take any damage. If you use a melded conduit to cast spells beyond your channeling limit, you will over channel as explained in the over channeling section of this chapter.

Calling Your Melded Conduit

Melded conduits have a unique ability to be called should you lose them. If you are melded with the conduit, within thirty feet from it, and can visibly see it, you can call it to you. It will fly from its location into your empty hand.

At least one of your hands must be empty, otherwise you cannot call your melded conduit. This uses one action and requires two essence to perform.

Spell Scrolls

Scrolls are special exceptions to the laws of channeling due to how they are created. Because of their creation, scrolls have extra essence infused in them from their creator when the spell was written. When using a scroll without a conduit, the scroll itself becomes the conduit. The spell’s effects expel out of the edges of the scroll, but the scroll is destroyed. When used this way, a spell scroll is a one-time use item.

If the user of the scroll knows how to read and speak the Runic language, they can activate the spell scroll.

A perk for purchasing a spell scroll in order to transcribe it to your spell book is that, once transcribed, you have an additional one-time use item.

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