Greyger Organization in Enies - Adder Galaxy | World Anvil

Greyger (IPA: /kreiːˈɡeːr/)

Descendants of Mikhail Greyger, one of the Companions.
  The distinctive traits of the family are blond hair and green eyes. Historically, they have always been skilled with words.
  They are the instigator of the Blood River Night and have become the ruling family of the kingdom of Bolgania.

Family members

Isidor Greyger †
Eloise Anghel †
Seth Greyger
Elluka Greyger
Thiebaut Averet Greyger
Irina Prim Greyger
Averet Eugen Greyger

Members of personel

Rodolpho Raffit - butler
Marina Barisol - headmaid
Tyffany Higate - maid
Hervy Carac - guard
Alma Nivis - maid
Rennet Vatia - valet
Wretched Words
'grey' wretch, pitiful person or thing (isl) - 'ger' word (bre)
Founding Date