Gaupyd Species in Emore | World Anvil

Gaupyd (gau'pəd)

The Gaupyd resides outside of civilization and yet can be found used as a mount to cross the mountainous terrain...
Warden O. B. Davies
The Gaupyd sometimes known as the Dark Burrower or the Tunnel Boar is a large pig-like creature that possesses several features that make them excellent at burrowing through larger stones and mounds of dirt. While possessing large claws on their front legs, they also possess thick teeth that allow them to pierce smaller rocks and let them fall to the side.   The Gaupyd are most commonly found in the Thyral Mountains, particularly around the site that once contained the city of Voran. However, there have been some reported colonies as far south as the Garanos Coast, the most southern region in Stanos. They are often found in collections of three or four families of Gaupyd, acting as a small community who help and provide for each other, giving them their collated name of a commune.

Fierce and Grand Animals

As I previously mentioned, the Gaupyd resembles a larger form of a swine-like creature. Its face ended in a snout but was covered by two large tusks which are often used to move rubble and stones out of their way. The Gaupyd's jaw and mouth is similar to that of a predatorial carnivore rather than the typical omnivore, specifically having two sets of large teeth. The front set of teeth were sharper and more blade-like, these teeth seem to be thinner than the typical pig-like teeth. The second row however, resembles more closely the teeth of swine, with thicker more box-like teeth. It is believed that the front row is to act as a scoop and piercing set while the second set is desgined to crush and mangle bones, plants, and small rubble.   The body of the Gaupyd could measure at least 5 feet in length and up to 3 feet tall, with a drastic increase for what were known as Alpha Gaupyd which could measure up to 10 feet long and 5 feet tall. The Gaupyd have a long tail that seems to resemble that of a snake rather than a mammal. Many Gaupyd are able to stand on their hind legs, allowing a standard Gaupyd to stand about 6 or 7 feet tall, taller than a normal person. This could feel extremely deadly when considering that the front legs of a Gaupyd have sets of claws that when interacted with seem to be as solid as steel. It is said that these claws allow for the Gaupyd to become a powerful burrowing force, but also allows them to climb up nearly vertical spaces such as the mountains at which they call home.

Monsterous Mounts

While the Gaupyd often spend their times away from civilization, there have been many cases in which some Gaupyd have been somewhat domesticated. There is a report that a business on the edge of the Thyral Mountains houses both horses and Gaupyd that are sold as mounts for both explorers and tourists to visit elements of the mountains. This business is also known to provide Gaupyd to those who are visiting the ruins of Voran as archeologists and explorers. This is primarily due to the fact that the ruins are difficult to get to from the current base of the mounatin range, the most prominent access point is only accessible after climbing Mount Massila which stands at around 3,300 feet tall.   There is also a written report that someone from Nylan possessed an Alpha Gaupyd and used them as a combative mount in unison with Magik itself. This Nylan acted as a Marquis within one of the regions, a political and cultural leader that is usually given some militaristic power should it be needed. The Alpha Gaupyd which was known by the name Fyreiḡā and was alledgely seen wearing strong spiked armor made of stead and was the symbol for a Nylan city. The reports are severly limited about where Fyreiḡā and their master were located, what happened to them and where they are now, however one such report seems to indicate that Fyreiḡā was killed and their master fleed after the event.

Gaupyd by Owen Davies

Common Name
Dark Burrower   Environment
Forests and Underground   Current Population
~ 250,000 (as of 1905 CY)   Year of Discovery
1448 CY   Discovered By
Larel Coremane
Mariel Coremane

Cover image: Gaupyd by Owen Davies


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Jul 12, 2023 21:19 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

You could get severely sliced up by these guys! :O D:   I think they're kind of cute though.

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
Aug 9, 2023 14:03 by Owen Davies

The cuteness cannot be outweighed by the deadly nature of such creatures. But yes, I have already considered drawing the young Gaupyd...

"The world is only as big as one makes it. So make it bigger by expanding your mind."   Consider voting for me in the Worldbuilding Awards
Aug 9, 2023 13:51 by E. Christopher Clark

As Serukis already said above, these guys are kinda cute. And I imagine they'd stay cute, so long as you stayed on their good side. I definitely would NOT want to give them cause to charge me.

Now it's time for the awkward wave.
Aug 9, 2023 14:04 by Owen Davies

They are cute. And yes, getting on their bad side could be very, VERY deadly...

"The world is only as big as one makes it. So make it bigger by expanding your mind."   Consider voting for me in the Worldbuilding Awards
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