The Ünders in Dromaria | World Anvil

The Ünders

The Ünders are a force unto themselves. They are funded by bored yet wealthy tinkerers, long retired adventurers, and centuries of personal lineage. Primarily doing work that interests their own members, the guild specifically seeks out adventure regarding the search into oneself. A unique and somewhat exclusive guild, often thought of as a bit too reckless for their own good.  



Goldie Witherstone

Chaotic Good, Female Dwarf   Known as "the most interesting person in the world," Goldie Witherstone is not just the leader of The Ünders, she is its lifeblood. Her druidic connection with the elements has taken Goldie on adventures across every continent, witnessing wonders of the unknown.   Regarded as a folk hero, Goldie is adored for her daring exploits and envied for her unbridled spirit. Her stories and adventures captivate the guild's benefactors, who live vicariously through her exhilarating journeys. The grander her exploits, the more support and resources she garners.   Goldie's achievements and charisma have given her the authority to dictate The Ünders direction. From choosing the jobs to assigning roles, Goldie's decisions are final, and her leadership style has shaped the guild's approach. Instead of dividing tasks, members rally around her, accompanying her and enabling Goldie to continue her extraordinary ventures.


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Heritage and history. Strengths and bonds.
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Never miss a meal, but if you have to, absolutely don’t miss the drinks.
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You have the resources and skills, use them.

Interests & Jobs

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Tales of Old. Chasing down legends, especially those related to one’s ancestry.
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A Good Time. If it sounds like a good time, why not?


Your guild grants you the following equipment upon signing up with them as well as a monthly stipend.   Starting Gear: Dynamite (Stick), Flask, Potion of Healing, Sealing Wax, Signet Ring, Steel Mirror, Tankard, and your choice of Brewer’s Supplies, Diplomat’s Pack, Mason’s Tools, Scholar’s Pack, or Tinker’s Tools     Monthly Stipend: 150 gp, 150 gp worth of crafting resources, and guaranteed any letters from home while in the field

Downtime Benefits

The Ünders are quite wealthy and they are more than supportive of their members in their off time.   • The guild will purchase any items you craft in your downtime at a 25% markup.
• When carousing, if you roll above a 21 on your Charisma (Persuasion) ability check, one of your allies becomes a contact for life.
• While carousing you do not need to roll for complications.
The Ünders

The Ünders Guild Symbol

Guild Symbol

Base of Operations

Sanctum Access Permit Icon
Arcane Investigation Charter Icon
Necrocleansing License Symbol
Beast Hunter Permit
Arcane Conveyance Authority Symbol
Knowledge Acquisition Pass Symbol
Artifact Reclamation License Symbol

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