Lothoren Devotee - Background in Dromaria | World Anvil

Lothoren Devotee - Background

As a Lothoren devotee, you are an integral part of a community dedicated to upholding the core tenets of Illumination, placing great importance on the power of unity and sacrifice for the greater good. You are taught to value resource conservation and the strength that comes from working alongside others, understanding that collective efforts can accomplish extraordinary feats.   Driven by a firm belief in the rebirth of Lothor, the promised savior, you strive for purity of soul and hold the holiness of the Church and community in the highest regard. Through disciplined body and spirit, which may include fasting and engaging in civil services, you pay homage to the revered prophet. Displaying the Zonne holy symbol, you proudly worship Lothor, drawing followers from all corners of Dromaria who are united by his heroic deeds.   Lothoren's involvement in politics is dedicated to promoting justice in governance. During times of crisis, whether on the battlefield or in the face of natural disasters, the Church of Lothor is prepared to provide aid and support. They play a crucial role in mediating disputes and advocating for inclusivity, ensuring that everyone has a voice and is represented at the decision-making table. Through their influence, they effectively engage with political leaders, actively participating in shaping policies that align with their mission of creating a society in line with the teachings of Lothoren.
Skill Proficiencies: Religion, plus choose one from among Deception, Intimidation, and Persuasion
Tool Proficiencies: Choose one from Carpenter's Tools, Cobbler's Tools, and Leatherworker's Tools
Languages: One language of your choice
Equipment: Choose artisan's tools of your choice, a holy symbol featuring the Zonne, a copy of the Civil Gospels, vestments, and a pouch containing 5 gold pieces
Feature: Blind Justice
Your reputation for kindness and unwavering commitment precedes you. When you find yourself in trouble, those who are part of or familiar with the teachings of Lothoren are more inclined to overlook your transgressions or show you leniency, allowing you to avoid some consequences.
Suggested Characteristics
Fighting for Lothor means instilling in yourself traits of working with and fighting for others. How you view the world likely reflects faith and devotion. Your flaws are likely linked to that devotion, whether how you display it or the depths of your belief.  
Church Heirachy
  There are many official ranks within the Lothoren Church and it is likely you have attained some level of status. Below are a list of official ranks within the church. If you are seeking to hold a specific position you should speak with your GM about what that means and how it may impact your character.   Hierophant: The highest authority in the Church, responsible for overall spiritual guidance and leadership.   Archdefender: Deputies to the Hierophant, responsible for overseeing large territories and maintaining the integrity of the faith in their regions.   Defender: Subordinates to Archdefenders, they oversee a smaller territory, ensuring the teachings of Lothor are being followed and the faith is growing.   Crusader Commander: The highest rank within the order of Crusaders, responsible for leading the holy knights in the service of the church.   Crusader: Knighted defenders of the faith, they lead military and humanitarian campaigns, acting as the strong arm of the Church.   High Priest/Priestess: Spiritual leaders responsible for conducting major religious ceremonies and rituals.   Priest/Priestess: Conduct daily religious ceremonies, provide spiritual guidance to the community, and serve as teachers of the faith.   Saints/Martyrs: Deceased followers canonized for their extraordinary devotion and sacrifices for the Church. They are venerated and serve as spiritual role models for the faithful.   Novitiate: Individuals who have committed to serving the Church and are being trained in its teachings, doctrines, and rituals.   Herald: Lay members of the Church who have taken on responsibilities such as spreading the faith, performing charity work, and assisting priests in their duties.   Knight Initiate: Aspirants to the rank of Crusader, they are trained in martial and spiritual disciplines in service of the Church.   Congregant: Regular worshipers and followers of the faith, the backbone of the Church community.

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