Lothoren in Dromaria | World Anvil


Lothoren, a major branch of Illumination, centers around the belief that Lothor is the fulfillment of Narwel's Grand Prophecy. What sets Lothoren apart is the distinct elevation of Ulric Lothor as the true hero, as detailed in the The Civil Gospels penned by his daughter Gwynn. As a faith celebrating Lothor's heroism, it has become the largest in Dromaria.  
"Verily, Ulric Lothor is the anointed sword of divine reckoning, a beacon in the black abyss of injustice. Let those who sow discord and malevolence tremble, for Lothor is the manifest will of celestial retribution. By his hand shall the scales of justice be balanced, and the wicked find no refuge from their dark deeds."

~ Gwynn Lothor
Chapter 4, Retribution
"The Civil Gospels"
Followers of Lothoren venerate Lothor and his crusade, subscribing to teachings that emphasize rebirth, holiness, and Lothor's divine role. They are often deeply committed to their faith, finding strength and purpose in Lothor's example.   Organization
Lothoren's organization includes a hierarchy of priests, scholars, and devoted warriors, with temples and holy sites dedicated to the god's memory. The faith emphasizes particular tenants, such as the guidance of Lothor in rebirth and the end of horrors through Lothor's coming.
The Grand Prophecy
  When the Ancestors journeyed across the solar system, their path led them to the distant planet Malkari. There, they encountered Narwel, a divine being with insight into the vast intricacies of existence; the goddess spoke a prophecy that became a foundational aspect of history.   Narwel foresaw that the settlers' future was a place that would become known as Dromaria. This land, with its potential, was the first of her visions. But the most debated aspect of the prophecy was the prediction of a creation or birth of a being—a god, hero, or savior. This figure, foretold by Narwel, was destined to rise from the Ancestors and play a crucial role in the unfolding destiny of the new world.   The prophecy was delivered orally, and its original words were never recorded verbatim. Over time, various traditions have sought to interpret the Grand Prophecy, shaping it into beliefs that resonate with their unique perspectives.
Other Perspectives
Lothoren's interpretation of the prophecy can cause tension with other branches like Summertide. Though relations have been amicable, growing popularity has led to increased impatience with differing interpretations. Lothoren is respected by many in Dromaria but may face skepticism from those outside the faith.
Associated Deities

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