Eliraeth in Dromaria | World Anvil


Eliraeth was raised near Kurago, the old capital city. Her family, long residents of the Great Forest, took refuge there during seasonal storms. When she turned twelve Eliraeth first saw the magus practicing their special blend of magic and steel; that moment marked the beginning of her Calling.   Leaving her elvenari family behind, Eliraeth pursued the magus's life with fervor. She moved from Kurago to Kuran, joining Kaless Cantonment to train upcoming magus. Over the next two centuries, Eliraeth shaped the majority of the students who passed through the schools, her distinctive style evident in many of them today. In 6,035 DA, Eliraeth began teaching a young elf known as Sorcerer Elroth, who displayed exceptional talent. Little did she know, she was mentoring the future Emperor.   Elroth, upon his ascension, appointed Eliraeth as the Grand Magus in charge of the Schools of War. In addition, she was also given the title Blademaster of the Suoress Enclave, serving directly under the Emperor. Breaking tradition, Eliraeth, an elvenari, became the first of her kind to hold either position, traditionally reserved for Eshanan elves. Despite whispers of nepotism, those familiar with Eliraeth know she is more than qualified.   With her new status, Eliraeth has officially been made part of the Kotodama Clan. She now serves as a mentor, military leader, and a trusted aide to an Emperor in whom she has complete confidence. Her role is pivotal and her unique position not only solidifies her influence within the Empire, but also cements her legacy as a key architect in shaping its future.

Roleplaying Eliraeth

Personality Trait. "Stay humble and remember where you came from, or you just may find yourself back where you started."
Ideal. "A sword or a spell alone is unlikely to thwart a prepared foe, you must know what to deploy and why."
Bond. "I trained Emperor Elrotharotitil and have complete confidence in his abilities. His success is my success."
Flaw. "The politics of Leng are far beyond my meager experience and I'm concerned my peers are running circles around me."
5th day of Amethyst

Skin Tone
Verdant green

Dark grey
Braided purple
164 lbs

Current Residence

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