Dust Farmer - Background in Dromaria | World Anvil

Dust Farmer - Background

As a dust farmer, you belong to the kinderdales of Malkari, a resilient race hailing from the arid expanse known as The Hush within The Esh Republic. Following the teachings of the Malkari gods, Bako and Daruun, you have learned to not only survive but thrive in the unforgiving environment. Bako's Calling strengthens dust farmers physically and spiritually, while Daruun's Calling grants you the knowledge to find and cultivate sustenance in seemingly impossible landscapes. Dust farmers take pride in their resilience and possess a strong warrior tradition shaped by the harsh lands they call home.
Skill Proficiencies: Nature, Survival
Tool Proficiency: Cook's Utensils
Languages: Draconic
Equipment: Cook's Utensils, a packet of seeds, an Agronomus, a shovel, a blanket, and a letter from an elder posing a philosophical question
Feature: Farmer's Prowess
Your exceptional survival skills enable you to thrive in harsh terrains. You possess a remarkable ability to locate food and water even in the most barren environments, and you have the knowledge and expertise to plant and cultivate crops in any available ground. Your understanding of the land and its resources allows you to sustain life where others might struggle.
Suggested Characteristics
Dust farmers aren't accustomed to leaving their environments, so those who sometimes find themselves rooted in their old ways. Many focus on teaching their techiniques, while others find application works much better. Your flaws are likely related to misunderstanding or personal problems.  
The Hush
  The great desert of The Esh Republic is the largest in the world, as well as the home to the majority of Malkari. Perhaps you studied at the Den Monastery or even The Eight. Are you from the coastal towns, living a life of sand and sea? Or maybe you are close to the capital city of Corsenth, never far from the Emperor?   There are many different communities among the sands, and where you fit into that is up to you and your GM.

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