Citizen of Gnome's Landing - Background in Dromaria | World Anvil

Citizen of Gnome's Landing - Background

Your life has been devoted to the invention and creation of peculiar and wonderful contraptions. The citizens of Gnome's Landing display fervor for their Calling, dedicating their lives to the study of machines. Their inventions have shaped modern society, most heavily felt in the Tritos Dominion. You are one of a great collective, each spinning their own gears to help the others turn.   Gnomes living in Gnome's Landing, have distanced themselves from the influence of the goddess Dipthi and the game of Dukkerin, heeding instead the mechanical call of Dona. Liberated from the burdens of the Otherwyld, you and your fellow citizens enjoy complete autonomy from the goddess.
Skill Proficiencies: Investigation, Sleight of Hand
Tool Proficiencies: One type of Artisan's Tools and your choice of Air, Land, or Water Vehicle
Languages: One of your choice
Equipment: A set of artisan's tools of your choice, an ink pen, a small knife, and a book of research notes
Feature: Gnome's Trust
Being a citizen of Gnome's Landing grants you privileged access to a diverse range of crafting materials within the city boundaries. You also have a benefactor who is ready to offer financial and material backing for your ventures, given that they serve the community's well-being.
Suggested Characteristics
You have been raised with ideals and bonds centered around invention and evolution. It is possible your flaws center around technology and its uses.  
Gnome's Trust Patron
  Coming from Gnome's Landing you have gathered support for your efforts. Work with your GM to discuss who your patron is and how they may impact your story. Below is a list of potential patrons you may start with.  

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