Ashwagon in Dromaria | World Anvil


Huge Vehicle, land (3,000 lb.)
Creature Capacity 4 Medium creatures
Cargo Capacity 200 lb.
Armor Class 19
Hit Points 60 (damage threshold 10)
Speed 40 ft. normal / 80 ft. top


Damage Immunities Lightning, Poison, Psychic Condition Immunities Blinded, Charmed, Deafened, Exhaustion, Frightened, Incapacitated, Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned, Stunned, Unconscious
Ashwagons require 1 creature to operate and move. All other actions require an additional operator. The vehicle offers half cover to anyone inside it.   Fuel. Ashwagons are powered by coal. Every 25 lbs. of fuel provides 1 hour of driving time.   Slow Start. An ashwagon's movement speed is reduced by half when it initially moves from a stationary position.   Swap Part. The ashwagon features modular components for quick modifications. As an action, an operator can remove, equip, or use a part. If three operators work in unison, they can swap and use a part collectively within the same turn.

Skimmer Plate. The ashwagon has advanced hovering capabilities, allowing it to smoothly travel over rough terrain and across liquid surfaces (except lava) without incurring movement penalties. Once equipped, the Skimmer Plate can be used for a continuous duration of 1 hour before requiring the part to be swapped and recharged. This part must be equipped and is affected by the Swap Part ability. The Skimmer Plate requires one earth Pathway® charge for 1 hour of power.   Actions
Multiattack. The ashwagon makes up to three bolt attacks if the Bolt Turret is equipped.   Bolt Turret. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 120 ft., one target. Hit: 16 ( 3d8+2 ) piercing damage. The bolt turrent is considered a part and is affected by the Swap Part ability. It takes one operator to fire the bolt turret. Each clip of ammunition contains 12 bolts. It requires an action to reload.   Drive and Steer. The ashwagon requires a driver to operate and it takes an action to move and steer.   Surge Gear. When equipped, the ashwagon can accelerate beyond its normal maximum speed to 120 ft. The vehicle must initially accelerate to its standard top speed before Surge Gear can be activated. While active, the ashwagon's fuel consumption is doubled and it becomes harder to brake and turn. This is affected by the Swap Part ability and requires an operator to turn on and off as an action.

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Characterized by having three or more wheels and powered by the same coal-burning engines as their counterparts, burners, ashwagons are predominantly seen in the country of Bohdan. Prized for their customizability, these vehicles often boast additional parts on their sides and roofs, all designed for easy swapping and multifunctionality. Each component allows for swift modifications and replacements, adapting to different needs during travel, from rugged terrain to long-haul journeys.   Ashwagons, varying in size to accommodate 3 to 8 passengers, are all about making a statement. With their thunderous engines and plumes of smoke, ashwagons are a reflection of the bold and unapologetic spirit of Bohdan. Unlike in other regions, where such vehicles are frowned upon for their pollution and need for large infrastructure, in Bohdan, the ashwagon’s faults are embraced as part of its charm.   On the Gearhead Expressway, all vehicles are an integral part of local identity; fueling stations are common, and races the norm. But amidst the blackened highways, from the extravagantly rugged to the understatedly sleek, it is the ashwagons that define the style.  

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