Carcino-Gen Species in Districts of Calamity | World Anvil


Commonly found near bodies of water Carcino-Gen are crusteans that have grown large and equally as tempermental. Varrying in size from 2ft tall to 10ft tall, these critters come in all shapes and sizes and usually stay in a consortium of around a dozen. These critters usually take up nest at the bottom of waterbeds or in soft mud and usually only leave their home when searching for food. Carcino-Gen can be very territorial and will commonly fight to the death if they believe their home has been encroached upon. They are known to be scavengers and can commonly be found feeding off of corpses that wash ashore be them fish, shellfish, meat, or strain, meals that these critters are more than willing to protect if need be. Caution should be given when in the vicinity of these critters and if you must defend yourself, take note that their back shells are nearly impenetrable. They have large claws that can crush bone and weapon alike and have been known to pin targets in place, making them unable to move. What is potentially worse of all when dealing with them is a screech that they immit that causes all Mutants and Evolved strains to forcefully grow thin exoskeletons on their skin and turn their hands into crustacean claws. This transformation will also cause the weapons in the afflicted's hands to break rendering them useless. Scientists have studied this screech for decades and repeatidly have become more and more baffled by its effect, ending up with more questions than answers with one Last Hope University scientist stating in a research journal "All genetic mutation inevitably leads to crab, it's the only explaination."

Adult Carcino-Gen

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