Cookie Campfire Tradition / Ritual in Cookie Cottage | World Anvil

Cookie Campfire

Creating Cozy Communities

Organized by Owen

A curious smell of smoke fills the air. The cottage itself has had the lights dimmed this evening, its ovens filled with freshly baked cookies ready to be enjoyed. The smell of cups filled with hot cocoa, ready to be served. A smile creeps across your face at the captivating chords of a guitar are heard, with cheerful lyrics sung by a chorus of people.

As you wander down the forest path, approaching the edge of the cottage's lands. You see the faint glow of flames licking into the sky. What surprises you most are the people all gathered around. All smiling and happy, putting cares cautiously aside, containing their inner feelings, and conversing about curious topics.

For you have stumbled upon the Cookie Campfire, a place that all can call home. A place to work, read, or socialize with all. A vibrant stream of colours, cookies, and cocoa, whilst being homely and kind. Come sit for a while and spin a yarn, or listen in as you come close into the campfire's warmth.


Cookie Campfires! A daily gathering of the Cookies of the Cottage. Here you will be encouraged to elope into the realm of fantasies and dreams (or horrors and nightmares, that's up to you). The goal of these gatherings will be to create a cozy community that is full of support for each other, inspirational fragments, and fun!

The Campfire will be lit from 18:00 to 20:00 GMT each and every day. You do not have to attend every gathering, but it would be nice to see your beautiful faces around the firepit!

So come along and be productive, be curious, and most importantly be Cozy!


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