The Blood Moon Geographic Location in Caeli | World Anvil
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The Blood Moon

The Blood Moon stood high above the horizon. Zurzhak stood under the night skies and looked down at the valley below. Without the influence of her sisters, the moon cast her light and tinted the world the colour of spilt blood upon snow. This was the fate that awaited his tribe, the warrior knew, if he could not stop the advances of the empire. But what could a total of 14 warriors do against more than a thousand...
Chronicles of the Darkthorn Clan.

Basic characteristics

The Blood Moon is thus named for its colour. One of the three moons orbiting Caeli and the one with the shortest cycle, the Blood Moon has been used by many a society to help keep time. Its cycle lasts 29 days, 4 hours and 15 minutes. The red colour is attributed to different sources depending on different legends. Like its sisters, the Blood Moon partly controls the tides. Unlike its sisters, no lycanthrope is ever linked to the cycle of the Blood Moon though the reason for this is unknown.    

Myths and Legends

The Blood Moon features in many stories. For the most part, it is accepted that the Blood Moon was created last and was a joint effort between Voices Tanira and Carasir though the reasons for this endeavour vary widely. Some believe Voice Fione asked the other two for a moon that would not bond lycanthropes to its cycles so they could enjoy the full moon like other shapeshifters. This theory has lost track in more recent years as the studies of the world have established that the world was far older that previously thought and the Lost Ages were added to most calendars across the world.
Alternative Name(s)
Asheal, Neaka, Zeke
Planetoid / Moon


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