Physimancy Physical / Metaphysical Law in Black Light | World Anvil


Physimancy (often called Elementalism or Druidism) is a Channeling discipline from Einya used to control the very forces of nature, from lighting a candle to generating huge thunderstorms.  

Physimantic abilities

Physimancy has two main abilities:  

Natural control

Physimancers can control how nature works around them for a short period of time, bending it at their will. Unlike other (less advanced, in any Druid's opinion) cultures, they don't divide nature into four or five specific elements. Instead, they consider nature as a whole a single element, and so they can do basically anything they want with it through meditation and contemplation.   There are, however, some limitations. The more drastic the change is, the longer the Druid needs to spend meditating. Creating a harmless gust of fresh wind has virtually no cost, but making a hurricane will take them hours of listening to the wind. Of course, inexperienced physimancers will need more meditation time; the more experience you get, the easier it is.   Additionally, a Druid can't make something appear (or disappear) unless it comes from somewhere else. Moving things around (like stones or water) against the force of gravity takes a special effort.  

Natural integration

While natural control only works for the inanimate part of nature, natural integration is the part of this discipline that deals with living elements. Druids can understand animals to a great level of details (reading their body language and oral expressions) and communicate with them, as well as read the story of plants. They can also make plants grow extremely fast and in specific shapes (which is indeed quite useful as a weapon, depending on the situation).   Communicating with animals requires the Druid to spend some time studying the animal or frequently being in contact with them. As for plant-growing, the method is similar to natural control: the Druid will need to meditate near the plants for a while before being able to make it grow. However, since plants are alive, they tend to be easier to move than inanimate elements.
"Druid"? More like rotting freaks, all day speaking with them trees...
— Overheard in a restaurant. Not everyone is fond of channelers.

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