Jellybird Species in Black Light | World Anvil


Jellybirds are flying sea animals that live in the ocean and on lands close to saltwater, and can be found either flying some meters above the sea or swimming under the water. The have the general body shape of a jellyfish but have large beady eyes, a beak, colorful feathers, and can breath both under water and outside. They are a traditional food in certain parts of the Circle of Skafrontse.  

The Hive Mind

Jellybirds don't have brains—instead, they live in groups, in which each individual acts like a single node of a larger neural network. This means that a single jellyfish will be driven purely by reflex, but an entire swarm of them is capable of basic forms of intelligence.  
The skafrontsesh expression "To be a jellybird" is applied to people who seem to be daydreaming or extremely distracted and disconnected from what they should be doing.
This is important, because uncontrolled jellybirds will always go upward until they die. In order to take the decision to fly downward, they need to be with a group. The exact distance that there needs to be between two jellybirds for them to be connected depends on the subject, but is about 5 meters on average.  


When a jellybird feels threatened, it will start screaming loudly and it will let out a gooey substance visually similar to pidgeon poop, appropriately known as "jellypoop". Jellypoop has an odor so intense that it makes the are around them unlivable. Additionally, jellypoop is acidic enough to quickly kill small animals and injure bigger predators enough to fly away.


Jellybirds don't give much thought to what they eat (they couldn't even if they wanted to)—anything they can fit in their beaks, they will chomp down. Fortunately for the planet's ecosystem, very few edible things are small enough for that. Therefore, their diet tends to be composed of insects when they fly and plankton when they swim.
medusa ocell.png
Jellybird by Ondo (with Midjourney)
Geographic Distribution
Conservation Status
Least Concern


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