Shellback Ceremony
There's a line in each solar system that marks the separation between the Inner World and the Outer Worlds called the Chaos Belt. The friction between the two sides causes dangerous phenomenon to reign supreme and it can be quite rough to travel through, especially for a new crew.
This passage marks the most dangerous stretch of space you can travel through, notwithstanding pirates or other non-natural sources of danger. Most of space is open and free of debris but the Chaos Belt is known for its unpredictable dangers. Such a dangerous place must be given the proper respect, lest they destroy the insulting party. Tempt not fate.
Common hazards faced:
- Arcing bolts of lightning that can stretch for miles, even circling back upon itself and never dissipating. Golden halos that wreck only havoc, known to cut entire ships in half and spread fire to ensure the loss of ship and crew.
- Asteroids that heed no rules of physics and no apparent pattern of movement. The crew must be ever vigilante to avoid being smashed.
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