Senate Forum
The senate floor is shaped into an infinity figure with two central platforms. This represents the duality of the elven nature and their refusal of having a singular central leader. The two sides always convene at the same time and although this can make it difficult to hear when the other side gets rowdy.
Members are also free to shift sides at any time as long as equal numbers stay equal. Over time this has created two factions that must always seek compromise with each other. Both sides must come to an agreement before anything can be codified into their legal system.
To prevent an infinitely expanding legal system, each law is only in effect for 5 years. This has kept the legal book small and manageable which is especially important when trying to convince other groups to join since they are used to... Well they're used to no written rules, letting the violent nature of space police itself.
The sessions themselves are closed but official conversation are recorded and made available in the Senate Library. This is where a lot of legal research and discussion occur. While the conversations themselves aren't considered law, they do shape discussion surrounding suture proposed laws. A lot of time and energy is spent cataloguing here, linking different conversations to each other when there is a common thread. This keeps the Senate accountable and open to the public.
Heavy bureaucracy keeps the change of pace slow but it does offer its advantages. There's a procedure for everything and once that paperwork gets started it must be finished. This requires going through the proper channels up the chain-of-command and any paperwork summitted will get an official response. Most often this is about disagreements in policy from non-senators and acts as a way to hold individual members accountable. Most of this work is done by various clerks, so even if you want a response from a specific member that is not guaranteed.
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