Holy Reeds
Growing alongside the rivers across the world spine are blue-white reeds that make can be fashioned into potent magic scrolls. This material highly attuned to holy magic and dampers arcane magic.
Sought after by clerics and priests of all faiths, the reeds have this resisted all attempts of domestication. They only grow along the rivers of the Spine apparently of their own accord and schedule. Prior to clumps of reeds being found, the ground is often stained blood red.
This is perhaps the only time where stains of blood do not make for ill portents. Divine spells cast from these scrolls increases their potency, allowing adventurers of minor note to wield powers written
about in the legends.
Obstinate wizards have written their entire array of spells onto pages made from this plant. The spells memorized from these pages are weaker than those that use tradition ink and scrolls but the wizards claim they are protected from the chaotic side-effects of experimental arcane spells.
First discovered by a paladin of Muir these reeds remain highly sought after by clerics of Muir and Thyr. Waning twins these gods of truth and justice are past their era of dominance. Their churches are not able to afford the market rate of this material and thus rely on the good hearts of adventurers to accept favors in lieu of gold payment.
Orcus continues to drive the price of the raw material up, making it increasingly more difficult for the gods of good to afford. No scrolls written by his clerics have been found so it is unclear what he is stockpiling the reeds for.
Since their growth is sporadic at best, no industry has formed around their harvest. Even the best rangers have no better chance of finding them over a typical farmer.
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