Esoteric Order of the Blue Lotus Organization in Aushudore | World Anvil
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Esoteric Order of the Blue Lotus

Based in the tall, slender tower - the Marjani Minar - in the Artisans War, the Esoteric Order of the Blue Lotus is world's most foremost mage guild. Dating back to the founding of Parsantium not long after the GMA. Its primary goal is to increase magical understanding and spread the word about magic. And generally improve the world.   They conduct arcane research, and often hire adventurers, many of whom are among the orders members, to go and recover lost magical treasures. As a result they house one of the largest collections of magical tomes, and artifacts that anyone, with supervision can go through and learn from. With the only cost being that if you are going to learn from the Order you must provide something in return. This can be a spell they do not posses, a relatively small monetary donation, or even the willingness to go and search for something.
Guild, Mages

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