Beast Shape I Spell in Astora | World Anvil

Beast Shape I

Transmutation (Polymorph)
Level: Alchemist 3, Artificer 3, Bloodrager 3, Magus 3, Sorcerer/Wizard 3
Components: V, S, M (a piece of the creature whose form you plan to assume)
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: personal
Target: you
Duration: 1 min./level (D)
Saving Throw: -
Spell Resistance: -
  When you cast this spell, you can assume the form of any Small or Medium creature of the animal type. This spell functions like a Polymorph spell, except as noted below.
  If the form you assume has any of the following abilities, you gain the listed ability: Climb 30 feet, Fly 30 feet (average maneuverability), Swim 30 feet, Darkvision 60 feet, Low-Light Vision, Scent, and Grab. If the animal's ability is greater than or less than the value shown here, you take the lesser of the two values.
  Small animal: If the form you take is that of a Small animal, you gain a +2 Size Modifier to your Dexterity and a +1 Natural Armor Bonus.
  Medium animal: If the form you take is that of a Medium animal, you gain a +2 Size Modifier to your Strength and a +2 Natural Armor Bonus.


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