Outer Gods in Amanor
From a thousand strange world they rise, under a thousand bloody banners they march and in a thousand foreign tongues they shout their warcries. Their endless hosts bring with them all the hatred of the dark gods of war, and the experience of an eternity of bloodshed. So dream not of victory here. Only our gods can save us now...
— A sergeant of the Edrian Guard addressing fresh conscripts during the Fall of Edria Prime
  The various evil deities of the Universe that continuously violate or directly oppose the authority of the Empyreal Gods are known as the Outer Gods. There are many such deities in the cosmos and they vary in power from terrible planar conquerors to minor deities interested only in the manipulation of single worlds. There are many gods of war and murder among the Outer Gods as well as deities of undeath.   Many of the Outer Gods have forge alliances with each other. The most significant of these are the Five Warlords and the Disciples of Loviatar.   The endless wars between the Outer Gods, the Empyreal Gods and other cosmic organizations of the Universe are known as the Divine Conflict. Thanks to the efforts of the Empyreals, the conflict rarely spills over to Amanor. The denizens of Amanor are in fact rarely influenced by the machinations of the Outer Gods.

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Cover image: by CraniumBeaver