The Lords' Alliance Organization in Ahmarath | World Anvil

The Lords' Alliance

A trade and defence alliance between most of the major cities in northwest Faerûn. They strive to defend civilisation against monsters and evil groups. They also want to provide safety for those who live in such places - even non-member cities - as well as for those conducting trade between cities.They are dedicated to making the north a place for people to prosper.


The faction is governed by a council with representatives of all its member cities and towns, somewhat weighted by population. And some members don't have representation at all at the moment. Right now, the members are:
  1. Amphail, represented by Lord Dauner Ilzimmer
  2. Baldur's Gate, represented by Grande Duke of Baldur's Gate and Marshal of the Flaming Fists, Ulder Ravenguard
  3. Berdusk
  4. Daggerford, represented by Duchess Morwen Daggerford
  5. Gundarlun Island
  6. Iriaebor
  7. Leilon
  8. Longsaddle, represented by Dowell Harpell
  9. Mirabar, represented by Marchion Selin Ramur
  10. Mithral Hall, represented by Queen Dagnabbet Waybeard
  11. Neverwinter, represented by Lord Protector Dagult Neverember
  12. Silverymoon, represented by High Mage Taer Hornblade
  13. Waterdeep, represented by Open Lord Laeral Silverhand who also acts as the faction leader.
  14. Yartar, represented by Waterbaron Nestra Ruthiol

Public Agenda

Members of the Alliance, even individual agents working for them, are sworn to protect the settlements of the north against monsters and evil forces threatening them. They ultimately serve the council made up of the member cities, but this means not just protecting the cities themselves but the area they are in. None of them are safe if their neighbours are suffering or if the roads can't be trusted.   Agents of the alliance are to give aid wherever needed. They believe if civilization is to survive, all must unite against the dark forces that threaten it. Glory comes from protecting one’s home and honouring its leaders. And it's important to realise that the best defence is a strong offence.
Alliance, Generic

Articles under The Lords' Alliance

Character flag image: by D&D Original


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