Guide to map icons in Ahmarath | World Anvil

Guide to map icons

Various icons applied to the shapes and colours reflecting what they are.
Manufacturer or creator. Usually with a store.
Inn or boarding house.
Tavern, restaurant, or ale house.
Guild for manufacturers.
Scrolls, books, and scribes.
Trade organisation.
Meat, grain, and other foods.
Shops that don't fit in other categories.
Stables, horses, and mounts.
Textile and clothing.
Grave or related to death.
Guarded gate.

Colour coding

High quality or otherwise upscale.
Balanced mid-range.
Cheap or simple.
Military, mercenary; city guard or watch.
Government owned or controlled.
Something special.

Pin types

General establishment, such as a shop or blacksmith.
Public space.
Temple or other religious location.
Guild or other organisation.
Home or estate.
Location description, such as for a street.


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