Firbolg Species in Ahmarath | World Anvil


Most firbolgs live a quiet life in remote areas, most often deep into forests. They are gentle by nature and few of them are prone to anger unless threatened. They feel a natural kinship with nature and can even speak to both animals and plants to a limited amount.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Firbolgs are large, lumbering people. They have a light fur that usually is a blueish grey, while their longer headhair (and beard for males) is in a warmer colour such as red. Their wide nose ends in a red tip. They might seem hulking at first, but they often come off as gentle giants. And they have a natural ability to disguise themselves with an illusion for a while if needed. This ability even extends to momentarily becoming invisible.

Genetics and Reproduction

As one might expect, firbolg bodies take a long while to grow a new life. The gestation time usually is around 18 months, but can vary by several months depending on how safe and well fed the mother feels. They rarely have multiple births.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The deep sense of what's natural can occasionally five a firbolg a sense of what around them is magical.
Average Height
230 cm


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