Thazma Character in The Full Guide to Faerûn | World Anvil


A conjuration prodigy, Thazma has ascended through the ranks of the Red Wizards of Conjuration as she quickly surpassed her masters. Unlike the majority of her companions in Chult, Thazma does not see their stationing in Chult as a punishment. She is deeply intrigued by the volcanic activity throughout the peninsula and has been using it to summon various creatures from the Plane of Elemental Fire.    With the aid of her elemental allies, Thazma has built a iron tower amid the mountains south of the Land of Ash and Smoke. Within her scathingly heated tower, she performs ever more daring summonings and bindings. She has even contacted an efreet named Valikoth who has offered to indulge her learning in exchange for her service. She is a devout follower of Kossuth and prays to the Lord of Flame daily for aid in her work.    She reports to Zagmira, though they seldom see the need to contact each other or work together. When necessary, she does know the teleportation circle in the Heart of Ubtao. But mostly, she just relies on Zagmira taking the brunt of the load from their masters in Thay.    Thazma's spellbook is largely written in Ignan, though much of it is also written in Thayan and Abyssal. She comes from a very wealthy family and has had plenty of gold to spend on increasing her repertoire of spells and summons. Her spellbook contains the following spells:   1st Level: find familiar, mage armor, magic missile
2nd Level: arcane lock, cloud of daggers, continual flame, misty step, shatter
3rd Level: lightning bolt, magic circle, protection from energy stinking cloud, sending
4th Level: conjure minor elementals, dimension door, summon greater demon
5th Level: cloudkill, conjure elemental, contact other plane   Thazma's full statistics can be found here.  
Lawful Evil
Aligned Organization


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