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Spiritual Awakening in the Earth Kingdom


Earth King Belan hosts a banquet in celebration of the founding of the Earth Kingdom Clergy, a group of spiritual sages to push the nation towards spiritual enlightenment.

The world telegraph brings you breaking news from the Earth Kingdom.
As promised by Earth Monarch Belan, the earth kingdom is entering an era of revitalized spirituality and harmony with the spirits. Tonight we shall be marking the start of the Earth Kingdom Clergy, a new sector of the cultural ministry that focuses on promoting spirituality within the kingdom. Prince Ayato has been working hard to get this project running and today will mark the beginning of a new spiritual age.
Tonight at the Ba Sing Se Clergy Compound will be an event to celebrate the grand opening of the clergy. People of all nations are welcome to attend the beginning of a new era of spiritual harmony in the earth kingdom. A banquet will be held as well as a time of prayer led by our Clerics and Shrine Keepers

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