Yimuru Roatok in Four Nations MC | World Anvil
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Yimuru Roatok

My name is Yimuru Roatok, I was born on a quaint farm on the outskirts of Harbor City in the Southern Water Tribe to Suri and Tantri Roatok, I am their second child after Reign Roatok. My mother Suri, was from the Northern Water Tribe, she left after meeting the love of her life, Tanri of the Southern Tribe, while he was on a training mission in the Northern Tribe. Our family lived off the frigid land growing, cold-resistant grains, potatoes, and seaweed. Both of my parents were waterbenders, my mother was one of the tribal healers, my father was a fearsome warrior in the military. My father wished for a son to pass down our family legacy to, instead, he was given two girls, so he treated me like the son he always wanted, favoring my sister over me in every aspect. My older sister Reign has always been kind to me, she often talked about how she always wanted to travel the world and learn about all the other nations. Waterbending came easily to me whenever I needed to defend myself yet, I always struggled to attack, I always would rather escape than cause damage to another being. As a small girl, I spent a lot of time in the fields and the pastures, bonding with the animals, growing close to nature and the spirits. When I was 14, my parents were called to an assembly with the Chief in the Northern Capital, I was initially excited that the chief wanted to meet with my parents, I begged to go with them, to see our sister tribe, but I was left behind, having our farmhouse door slammed in my face. I watched my parents walk down the hill, crunching in the snow as they stepped, discussing their journey, as I watched their figures disappear over the horizon, I prayed to La that they would return safely. While they were gone, I tended the fields with Reign, discussing the future and her plans. Months passed, they should have returned weeks ago, something was wrong. Reign decided to go to the Northern Tribe to seek answers to our parent’s location. As I helped Reign into her Schooner, I gave her a bracelet I carved out of Penguin-otter bone a symbol of an unbreakable bond. As months past, I still believed my family was out there, finding a new life in the Northern Tribe, like all of my fellow Tribesmen who left the South for the prosperous North I was very naive at the time.     Reign is a softhearted, older sister who cares deeply about the prosperity of The Southern Water Tribe. Waterbending came as second nature when acting in defense, she struggled to attack from a young age, preferring to escape rather than fight. When she was a girl, Yimuru loved exploring the cold tundra around their house, playing with the animals, and learning about the world she lived in. At the age of 14, her parents went to conduct a trading mission with the Northern Water Tribe and never returned, she still believes they are out there somewhere. Reign went on a journey to find their parents and subsequently disappeared. Yimuru has hope that her family will return home, so she tends the family farm, as a pleasant surprise for their homecoming. The isolation of the Southern Water Tribe: 5 years have passed since my sister and parents have left me alone here, in the desolate tribe, with dwindling numbers, the only entertainment that was available was wandering the empty streets and tending to the farm. One morning, I stepped out into the blinding light of the sun off the snow to feel a foreboding cold wind blow past, whipping my hair across my face, as I made the walk to the center of Harbor City. I saw someone unforgettable step off the Schooner, a foreigner, underdressed for the cold, he had the Earth Kingdom insignia on his epaulets, so I presumed he was a soldier. I watched this foreigner from a difference, as those in their right mind from the temperate climate of the Earth Kingdom travel to our wasteland. The wind grew rough and I felt that there was a blizzard incoming, so I took shelter back at my house, by the fire. I had forgotten to hunker down the animals, so I went out to check the farm, the cows were on the brink of freezing to death, I quickly put them in their stalls and lit a fire to keep them warm, hidden in the hay was the young man from the harbor, quivering from the cold, swaddled in the dried grains. I offered this man warm clothing and a spare bed back at the farm. We sat inside during the days-long blizzard, he introduced himself as Renshu and we grew quite close, discussing our ambitions and dreams for our respective nations. After the storm ended, he left to continue his near impossible training mission, surviving in an earthless land. I dropped in on Renshu occasionally, bringing him tasty treats such as candied cod jerky, and dried kelp bars. On Renshu’s last night in the Southern Water Tribe, we went to the only drinking venue left in the tribe, we drank for hours chugging imported spirits until we both passed out. I woke up the next day in my bed, Renshu nowhere to be found as if the past 3 months have been a dream. That same year, over many weeks I grew violently ill, retching after every meal, fearing for the worse, I crawled through the snow to the tribal healer, Aala. Aala told me that I was perfectly healthy and was not sick but with child. I internally panicked as I was only 19 and not ready to be a mother, I stayed with Aala for the last 12 weeks before delivering a baby boy, I named him Soren, I believed that Soren had great potential, I could not raise this child on my own, so I gave him to Aala to raise him. I had not known the fate of my child after that fateful day. In the following years, I farmed, tending the grounds and building a farm big enough to sustain all of Harbor City, this farming reform caught the attention of someone special, who was from Harbor City, then, Avatar Ullaq. I met Ullaq while I was farming and he asked me, “are you responsible for the farms’ prosperity” and I said, “yes” he responded with, “good job” and scurried off to carry out his avatar duties. A few months later, I received a summons to attend a training session in the Northern Tribe. I never formally joined the military so, I presumed it was not meant for me. I took up the opportunity and stepped on to the ship, bound for the Northern Tribe. The two-week journey was considerably smooth. I landed in the capital, enamoring the architecture and the glowing buildings, I went to the training session in the walled town of Tatuq. At that session, I met other waterbenders from different backgrounds, Chao, Noatak, and Maniluuq Sappho. Maniluuq is a young man who has a passion for the art and craft of waterbending, his ingenuity led him to utilize his own unique style of bending, utilizing ice over water, making him a fearsome foe and a loyal friend. I went with Maniluuq to go visit his family in a house on the outskirts of the tribe. In that trap house, I met the love of my life. Noey Sappho is a young waterbender with beautiful glistening auburn eyes that sparkle like the northern lights and beautiful brown hair. I became close friends with The Sapphos. Noey and I spent months together, wandering the tribes, exploring every nook and cranny. One day, Noey and I were trekking through the Southern tundra when we stumbled into a woven basket with two little boys stuffed inside, we took in the twins, they told us their names were Vesrok and Ziso, I kept the boys with me as Noey returned to the North to carry out her duties as a healer. These two boys became my pride and joy, I sparred with them, took them fishing, provided everything they could ever need. After a few months of taking care of two boys, I took them to the North to bring them to be raised by Noey and her family, I feared for their safety in the South with an eerie feeling that something bad was going to happen to them. I was on my way back to the boat when I bumped into Liuq, an acquaintance that I had trained with briefly at the time, he told me that he would send me some classified information about a potential reform to our government if I was interested, I was interested and I awaited his parcel back home. Liuq had shown up in the south with the parcel, talking about a rebellion against the current Chief Nakari. I always had a distrust of the position of The Water Chief, as The Water Chief summoned my parents and they disappeared, they always lived in the north and were leaving their second tribe to rot. I happily signed up for the rebellion, thinking of the future ahead and the peril that we would have to face. I kept my information and opinions close to my chest, as I made a journey to recruit Noatak, my friend from the North who lived in the South, he signed up, hesitantly. We all met up in the Saphho estate in the north to discuss our plans, including government structure, and who should be Chief. We decided that I would be the best fit for the Southern leader and Chao for the North with Maniluuq as our Chief. This planning went on for months as we rallied supporters, garnering favor with world leaders in case we needed military support. In the Spring of 304AG, Maniluuq declared the civil war, and the rebellion was named the radio rebellion because of our strategic use of radios for communications to each other from our long distances. My blood was pulsing as I prepared Harbor City for an invasion that ultimately will never come. Chief Nakari had stepped down, giving the Chiefdom to The Avatar, Ullaq. Ullaq decided to be chief over avatar, letting Raava take the kids in the process. Ullaq breathed life into our crumbling tribe, all rebels were allowed to walk back in, I always believed in Ullaq, that he was a good choice and he deserves respect. I stood and watched as 3 of my comrades were banished, I prepared for the worst, I denounced my past and prayed for a better future for the WT. Since the war is over, I decided to do what I’ve always yearned to do for the south, fix housing. I went around to every house in Harbor City, fixing broken road signs, naming roads after people I cared about, Noey Lane, Maniluuq Way, Kiryu Knoll and Ullaq Alley. I labeled each house with a sign and put it in a blank scroll, tracking the housing for future generations to follow. My dedication to revitalizing the once abandoned South gained the attention of the newly instated Southern Elder Kiryu, he made me his advisor alongside Noatak. At this time I decided when hearing Noey was promoted to Northern Advisor, that we should settle down and finally tie the knot, we lived so far apart, I was lucky to see her more than once a year, I ventured to the north to see my boys that I missed so dearly. As I arrived, little Ziso and Vesrok came running down the road to come greet me, they were a lot taller than I remember, both were up to my shoulders now. The boys told me that they were training with their uncle, Maniluuq and Lieutenant Liuq, before they left The North. I wanted to put them to the test, we ventured to the walled City of Tatuq to spar, I was beaten by the two boys, I was not as sharp as I used to be I guess. I took both of the boys back to the South with me, dedicating my heart and soul into training them, politically, to take my place when I grow old.   Noey and I planned our wedding in secret, opting for a small venue, built by one of my favorite builders in the South. We were wed on a crisp Summer evening, attended by our closest friends and family. Noey and I went to the Swamp for a honeymoon, settling in Huu Hollow for a few weeks, exploring the mystical wilderness. I returned to find a letter on my front step, a summons from Kiryu? As I ventured to the Southern Water Tribe Palace, I found the streets lined with people, looking at me with joy in their eyes, akin to receiving delightful news. I entered the palace to see Kiryu poised on the throne, discussing me with Noatak, he stopped as he heard me shut the door. “Yim, just the person I wanted to see!” Kiryu quipped with a smirk, “I am approaching my 100th birthday and I seek to retire, you’re going to be the next Southern Elder!” I paused, in shock and horror at his words, “Me? Elder? I’m only 22 Years old! I can’t be an elder!” I uttered. Kiryu stood up and sauntered towards me, “You’re going to do great things for this tribe, just you wait” he gestured towards the throne, “I taught you everything you need to know, good luck” he noted on his way out of the ice doors. I was still in shock, the people of the Tribe were already aware of his retirement and rejoiced as he made his way to the docks, crowds gathered to watch him sail north. I stood alone in the cold palace, weary of what had just occurred. Noatak strolled towards me, grinning as he grabbed my shoulders and said, “Look how far we have become! Me your advisor, you Southern Elder, like we always planned” I turned to him, smiling a tad, “I never thought we would come this far, there was always something in our ways” I remarked as faint cheering echoed from outside the doors. “They expect you to make a speech, I assume” Noatak grinned as he was rushing me out of the doors. Being pushed onto the veranda, into the bright light reflecting off the snow made me nauseous, I strided forward to the railing, gripping it for dear life and proclaimed to the people, “Fellow tribesmen, you may remember me as that girl on the hill, I have seen the potential of our long neglected tribe and I hope to renew it for a new era of prosperity, bringing life back to our beloved city. I wish to walk alongside each and everyone of you; together, we can accomplish anything we put our minds on. I love you all like my family as we are a family. Do not think of me as your Elder, think of me as a friend, I will be here for you.” I spoke from my heart and the people felt my passion and rejoiced. I confidently strided back home, to get some things to temporarily move into the palace, as the basement was where the Chief kept his things, I could have the top floor to myself. I reached the spire and saw two boxes upon the cyan quilt. I opened the smaller box and inside was a silver tiara with sapphire adornments, a note was inside with the seal of the Chief, “Congratulations on becoming my Southern Elder, enclosed is a tiara, this is mandatory for any elder! From Ullaq”. I checked the second box to see a new outfit inside, regal looking gloves and a new slate colored fur lined cloak. I woke up feeling determined, determined to fix my home. I walked out of the palace to find the streets in disrepair, homeless people living in the carnival tents, boats of people moving in only to be left without any housing. I swiftly grabbed parchment and started cataloging every house in every district, refurbishing old house signs and renaming lost street names, furnishing the lower class housing for our new residents. I did this process for what it felt like months, fixing holes, moving people in, when I had an advisor who was supposed to be doing these things as well. I confronted Noatak after being burnt out from doing his job, he explained that he was not in harbor city for the past few weeks due to “prior engagements”. I did some digging into Noatak’s other associations and came across a letter from a known Red Lotus affiliate, asking for building supplies and food. I realized the implications of this letter and fled Harbor City, retreating to my farmhouse. I arrived to find Ziso sitting inside, waiting for me almost? I asked him, “How long have you been here?” he sat up and said, “I’ve been here for a little while, I was hoping to speak with you about something…” I informed him quickly of Noatak’s potential affiliations, then asked, “What is wrong?” Ziso stood up and paced for a bit before stating, “I want to join the military! I know you’ve always had a peaceful mindset but, I want to help the tribe! I don’t want to sit around and fish all day anymore!” I was bewildered, Ziso always had had a mild temperament and I was shocked that he would want to join the military, respectfully I muttered, “It is your decision, I am not to stop you” Ziso grinned, hugged me and zoomed off into the tundra, hurdling himself towards Harbor City. I wrote a concerned letter to Noey, praying she would have some advice for how to solve my Noatak issue. I lied in wait as I feared about the competency of my advisor and my government. As I laid in my bed in the spire of the palace, watching the lights below twinkle as I contemplated what to do with my advisor and his disloyalties, I decided to look within and think what my mentor would have done, he would
Name: Yimuru Roatok   Age: 32   Gender: Female   Appearance: Yimuru is a young woman, with long hazel hair and striking mahogany eyes, she stands at 5’5” her clothes are a little lightweight for the antarctic climate, with customary blue clothing with fur lining, with her armbands.   Personality: Yimuru is a kind-hearted, softspoken, curious individual, seeking to learn about the world around her while being grounded by her earthly ties. Yimuru cares about her home deeply, willing to put everything on the line to protect it.   Nation: Water Tribe  

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