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Run Xiao

Written by: Run Edited by: Astra


Patient and cunning, Earth King Run Xiao is an embodiment of neutral jing; when presented with opportunities, he waits for the time to strike, but when faced with violence or threats, he will attack without fear. This makes him a formidable leader for the Earth Kingdom.
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Run is, at first glance, not the type of person to wear a crown. His tanned, rough skin is proof of many years laboring under the sun, and his mess of soot-black hair is barely maintained. At a hundred and eighty centimeters built into a soldier’s physique, none would find him intimidating from appearance alone. His only noteworthy appearance trait is his emerald green eyes, sunk-in and ever-watching, a source of fear among many. He is often found in dark green robes nowadays, his only consistency from his past being a green and gold headband.


Patient and cunning, Run Xiao is an embodiment of neutral jing; when presented with opportunities, he waits for the time to strike, but when faced with violence or threats, he will attack without fear. Just as such, he is neither needlessly cruel nor particularly kind - he can be an amiable, polite man to friends, yet in the same vein, he has killed and embraced that slaughter on the battlefield.
It would be an exaggeration to call Run emotionless, however, he tends towards softer, quieter expressions of his heart. In times of great anger, he will hurt and kill, and in times of mourning, he will swear oaths and watch, while most know him almost exclusively by his calmness. He has risen to success through this, through being rational and lax.
As Earth King Run Xiao, he is a monarch ascended through sword. His political decisions are frequently harsh and violent, and while ever-poetic, he does not hesitate to condemn people to death if it serves his cause. He cares for the kingdom and for his clan, but what he cares for is not unlimited.
Grief haunts the man like a ghost, the remnants of people greater than him left to rot. Even with a loving wife and good friends, it is not Run’s intent to live long or pursue happiness; he reigns because the Earth Kingdom cannot handle another ruler’s death, and when his time comes, he plans to embrace death. It is not a soft, peaceful end he desires.


Raime’s Last Words
A sword of meteor steel crafted by the finest smith of Kyoshi Island years ago, it is a weapon Raime Xotu gave the man on his deathbed. Carved into it by Metalbending is a single inscription, Let all who hold this blade be unfaltering, signed, Raime’s Last Words. Though an exceptional and deadly weapon like any other fine sword, it is mostly a burden Run carries: so long as he wields it, he does not allow himself peace of mind.
  Wrath of the Earth King
An axe made with the metallurgy techniques of the Metal Clan, Run commissioned it as a sort of proof of his reign; it is crafted with his reach in mind and is his favored weapon. Though few notice it due to him refusing to part with it, the pole has a poem inscribed on it, one he personally wrote.
Born of worthless blood,
Raised to love the fight,
A crown caked in filth and mud,
Let this axe decide wrong and right.


  Political Figure:
Earth King   Reign:
312 AG - Present   Predecessor:
Earth King Ayato   Nation:
The Earth Kingdom  

Emerald green
Soot black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Deep tan

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