Somber Organization in Dungeons of Hope's Edge | World Anvil
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The Somber deny all emotions. To live through life, one must jettison all pain, misery and suffering… Only by creating an impenetrable shell against the harsh realities around you can you function properly in life. Many followers learn that to guard one’s self from pain, one must also do the same to pleasure, as to grow attached to anything eventually leads to loss and pain anyway. Somber shuffle through life as soulless husks, fending off all wants and pleasures.   Also Known As
Greymen, Dullards   Faction Motto
To Feel is Sin   Members
Sanitation Workers, Executioners, Prison Guards, Soldiers.   Purpose
Greymen wander throughout Hope’s Edge cleaning the streets on one day, then feeding the poor on another day, then executing criminals on another day. Each task carries the same weight as any other. To show preference to anything is to show that you hold values Somber serve as an all general purpose force for others, as long as the pay is high enough. For a group of people who don’t care about anything, they sure fake caring when gold is involved. Somber don’t typically hire adventures, since they don’t care for much, but ever so often, when a prisoner escapes, Greymen just don’t care enough to find them. They will pay people to find these escaped criminals and bring them back to the Opal Prison, dead or alive.   Headquarters (Opal Prison)
Greymen also work as Hope’s Edge jailers. This place serves as both home and workplace for the Greymen. When visitors come to the Opal Prison, and walk down it’s gigantic, gray hallways, they become confused as both Greymen and inmates sleep within jail cells next to each other. It’s impossible to tell who wants to live here, and who is forced.     Factionaire
Epirukan Hardnose is a 196 year old male hill dwarf jailer. He has long, wavy, gray hair, green eyes, rough pink skin and stands 4'5" tall and with a beefy build. He has a round, slightly common face with a long spotty beard and has a small scar on his right arm.  
"How could a man deny his feelings?His flesh? Without them, you become a Dullard. A man fit for neither life nor death"
— Queen Skin, Immolator factionite
Sophisticrats, Deniers   Rivals
Unifiers, Immolators

Epiruken Hardnose

by Magnus Norén
“Sigh... whatever… just give me the gold, and move along... unless you want to make this place your new home.”

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Cover image: by Rusty001


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