Ravenhearst Settlement in Auriga | World Anvil
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Ravenhearst (Ray-ven-herst)

An abandoned city as old as the Spine which was forged thousands of years ago when a deity crashed onto the earth was discovered during the reign of the first king. When the Arcane Prince Tannor journeyed into the Spine to rescue the love of his life and confidant, the Shadowblade, the rescue hinged on escaping before nightfall, but due to the group's unfamiliarity with their environment, they were lost in the mountain range. However, were it not for the Truesight of the Arcane Prince, the hidden door would not have been found and a haven would not have been discovered.


While not many details are known of how the mountain city was restored, records from the first reign of Arvanoc were discovered over two centuries ago that revealed that the Arcane Prince and his consort visited the location frequently after the civil war that resulted in the crowning of Aranerys as the first Queen of Arvanoc and the second ruler of its history. Within the first century of Aranerys's rule, the city of Ravenhearst as it became to be called became a fortress within the mountain that served as a defensible and safe point of which the monsters of the Spine could not penetrate.   After that, records of the founding of the Telda'Velahrn are sparse with the rumors of it being found only in the Sovereign's Library, the legendary Berren Arcane Hold, and the vaults of the mountain city itself.  

Fortress of the Telda'Velahrn

Because of its innate magical defenses, the city of Ravenhearst soon became the base of operations for what would eventually be called the Telda'Velahrn (or "the Last Guard"). Held in separate standing from the mithral guard and other law enforcers, the members of the Telda'Velahrn are all volunteers and put through intense physical training if they are accepted to either the Order of the Talon or the Order of Steel or arcane training if deemed to have a grasp of arcana.   With how large the mountain is and how it weaves well with other pocket dimensional magics almost as if it was built for this purpose, the mountain is actually larger on the inside than it appears despite it being one of the largest in the immediate vicinity. Not only are the areas within the mountain warded against beasts and attacks but it seems that the protection extends a few hundred feet from the very surface of the stone in all directions. While this can be circumvented by Aurigan mages, it is near impossible for residents and other extraplanar beings that reside in the Spine to venture within a long-distance striking range of the city.
Outpost / Base

Cover image: by Canva (Mara Jaena)


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Aug 2, 2023 04:12 by Brian

I really enjoyed reading about Ravenhearst. I love the concept of having enough information to explain the city but just enough mystery surrounding it. It leaves much to be discovered and understood about the place. I also like that it has an innate magical quality to it that protects it as well as those that live there. A very cool base of operations for those going out from it. Well done!

Amateur Writer Professional (Lifelong) DM Your Averge Guy "If you don't have time to read, you don't have the time (or the tools) to write. Simple as that." Stephen King
Sep 16, 2023 06:05 by Janelle

Thank you so much for the read and the comment! This is definitely a concept I want to develop further and definitely edit down the line but I'm glad that the article was a good read! :D

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