Arm Cuff Technology / Science in ALETHEIA | World Anvil
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Arm Cuff

Arm cuffs are metal devices installed on the right forearm of Nameless and used to control them.    


The cuff has reservoirs within it that store chemicals it can administer to the wearer. These include drugs, birth control, sedative, pain-inducing chemicals, and poison. The cuff has a display on which it tells the Nameless where they have to be and how much time they have to get there.   Doors within the compound have sensors that register the cuff passing through them. Not passing through a door before the timer runs out results in the cuff changing from green to yellow and the first level of pain being triggered. Missing the second and third timers takes it from yellow to orange to red with the same results. After red the cuff hits black, which is the sedative, and if triggered, Overseers are called so a stronger punishment can be inforced. The cuffs can also be manually triggered from control panels carried by Overseers. And if a Nameless passes through a door they do not have access too, their cuff immediately hits black.  
Access & Availability
All Nameless have one installed before being placed in the compound. Cuffs are changed every few years while Nameless are still growing.
To make removal difficult, the cuffs are attached to one of the bones of the wearer's forearm with two screws. Furthermore, the metal is closed, skin-tight around the arm, and melded shut.     The cuffs are charged with wireless panels beside each person's bunk, and chemicals are refilled in arm readers that Nameless must use to access food and division labor area entrances. While the chemicals are replenished, the readers also collect a range of data. The person's blood runs straight through the cuff, allowing the reader to easily analyze a sample, showing it a range of information such as mineral levels, osmolarity (which shows their hydration level), presence of illicit substances, pregnancy, and certain illnesses and infections.   Show Spoiler
The cuffs also release a deadly poison if tampered with or if their batteries die.

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