The Gargantuan Tree House in the Woods Building / Landmark in Zee | World Anvil
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The Gargantuan Tree House in the Woods

Kra Obba, the Gods Cry, forgotten children.  A group of children who have committed crimes against the government of the Kingdom of the Elements.  With strict laws and regulations, their world relies on a system of balance, where being born too powerful is a crime if the extent of the power is not disclosed to the government so they might take the children away to be raised properly.    Often time parents of powerful children will try to hide their children's gifts so they might keep their children.  In the case that this is discovered, the child is punished and the parents are shamed.   To restore balance to their nation, if a powerful child has had an average childhood and average training, they must have average power.  They cannot take from the child's magic, but they can take from their physique.  Too much magic?  Take an arm or leg.  Let the crippling fit the power level.   Usually, a child is found to have too much magic while committing a crime against magic regulation, and that is punishable by banishment. Kra Obba is a tribe of crippled children, cast out of the city to live in the forest for their crimes against magic.     When banished you are wished good luck to live somewhere else where you might do what you wish as long as you never come back to the kingdom of the elements.  Whatever you do, you will do it with every advantage of an average person, you may be powerful in magic, but with your new physical form, all seems fair.   Kra Obben, the Gods Cry, Forgotten Children.  Maybe not totally forgotten, they live in the woods in an ancient tree which was carved out long ago into a mansion of sorts.  Whoever built this gargantuan home is centries gone, and more forgotten then the children who now reside there, making this their home in a terrible forest of monsters.   Note, yes, crippled children run this forest.  Enter at your own risk.


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