Glacia Region Geographic Location in World of Light | World Anvil
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Glacia Region

The Glacia Region is characterized by vaste plains and plateaus covered by snow and ice. Originally it was a temperate region, but after the opening of the great abyss temperatures dropped considerably and it became nearly inhabitable.   In the center of this region there is a town inhabitated by the Krios, an ethnicity that adapted to live in extreme cold by exploiting heath energy from underground.


The region is partially surrounded by the abyss bordering to it to the north, north-west and north-east. The northernmost tip of Glacia is linked to the other side with a bridge. At the south the region borders with Luminesia and the Celestial Empire.

Localized Phenomena

Besides the low temperature, the region is covered by thick clouds and the sun is visible only few days during a year. This is caused by the dark energy released from the abyss.

Fauna & Flora

There are almost no living plants or animals in the region because of the low temperatures. Near the south-west part of the town there is a large lake where it is possible to find the only living species in the region, the fruity fishes, while the surface of the lake is frozen, at its bottom there are numerous geysers generating heath and creating a unique habitat for these fishes to live.   Near the southern border of the region, where temperatures get chiller, various trees can grow and occasionally it is possible to see some gigot wandering in the woods.

Natural Resources

The greyrock is a type of mineral commonly found in the region, it is used to produce a type of powder that can make a solid and insulating building material when mixed with snow. For this reason, Krios rely heavily on this material for constructing their own houses and facilities.

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